Friday, May 11, 2007

Unatttended Deaths and Vodka

I want to comment on unattended deaths, an oxymoron, for sure, and not to be cute. It is true, someone attends until the very end.
But that's not why I'm writing here. I'm writing because I have cleaned enough unattended death scenes for women with one special feature, vodka. Yes, their drug of choice seems to be vodka. Not all solo death scenes are vodka related, but enough to write a few words on the subject.
It seems that these lady cadavers dwell in place for days or even weeks accompanied by an empty vodka bottle and even more than one. Often I find an empty or more under the bed. I don't make this point to be sexist, it simply seems to be a fact that more unattended deaths by female women are special in this one sense, empty vodka bottles.
I find that the empty vodka bottle syndrome, if I may label it such, also follows the filthy house cat ladies. I need more sociological observations to make this correlation, though.

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