Wednesday, May 16, 2007

200th DNA Exoneration

I see that the 200th DNA exoneration occurred recently with the release of an alleged child murderer. `

"I don't have a dog in that fight," I've always thought to myself regarding the death penalty. So I've ignored it. After all, there is so much wrong out there, and who am I to judge one way or the other? But the argument against the death penalty gets stronger with each exoneration. I wonder how many innocent people the State has killed in the name of "justice"?

People like me ignore social problems like the death penalty because it is distant. Can we continue to ignore the death penalty when innocent people are being killed and we could have at least said something? Have I been like "a good German"?

I think that we need to end the death penalty because 200 innocent people have been proven innocent when they could have gone to their deaths. If I had been one of the victims of the death penalty, I am certain that I would want to have ended it by now. It is barbaric, I suppose. There must be a better way.

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