Monday, December 31, 2007

Pakistan's 4 Dark Corners

Pakistan's 4 dark corners grew from drugs, greed, and the lust for power.

1. Afghanistan's heroin exports are nearly free to cross Pakistan's borders. Afghanistan's heroin production has increased a thousand-fold since Bush invaded. Drugs from Afghanistan finance Pakistan's black economy.

2. Pakistan's military has a vested interest in the drug route as well as keeping Ben Laden alive: US money is nearly unlimited for the Pakistani military as long as Ben Laden is on the loose.

3. The Pakistani establishment shares the same vested interest in Ben Laden's freedom as does the Pakistani government.

4. Both the military and Pakistani government feed upon and manipulate the Pakistani population.

Smack dab in the middle of these 4 corners stands a nuclear stockpile that the Taliban and/or Ben Laden stand to inherit from the corrupting influences of the military and established government. Poverty and corruption breed fundamentalist terrorists.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaners

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Cleaner - A movie about crime scene cleanup

The cleaner is a movie about a crime scene cleaner.

It looks pretty boring, although its leading character is the best part of it.

eddie evans
crime scene cleaners

Monday, December 3, 2007

Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003

I thought that I should write this down somewhere before I forget.

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A new U.S. intelligence report says Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 and it remains on hold, contradicting the Bush administration's earlier assertion that Tehran was intent on developing a bomb"

I doubt if this sort of information will make any real difference. Bush will do what he wants to do, no matter how stupid.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaners

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Commercial Television

Commercial television, the more you watch, the less you know.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

What would Jesus buy?

I ask this question as a rhetorical question because Jesus would buy little if anything. Jesus was or is (depending on your story) an anarchist -- stateless. There should be no doubt about this observation. It is written: "Give unto . . . . "
He would not, could not recognize man-made borders, for example.

The logic of Jesus Christ is monumental when you get beyond the evangelical money goons' pitch for bucks; their pitch for power over the State's repressive apparatus, foreign and domestic, proves their lust for State power in the here-and-now, a project Jesus ignored as a revolutionary of boundless proportions.

It is true that if every one on our planet were to act like Jesus, the Earth would be a paradise, for certain. Can you imagine every human being perceiving every other human being as Jesus perceived humanity from the cross? Alas, deviancy is the curse of social process, social control, society.

"But Eddie," my so-called "left-wing" readers will declare, "Jesus is used for social control of the masses to exploit their labor and their minds!" And I must respond that "It need not be so, in all cases." "And never mind, anyway," I declare in my own reservations about their claims. Jesus is about personal control at the very least (Which reminds me to return to my blog-spot on George Herbert Mead.).

I am asking, "Would we starve as confirmed followers of Jesus Christ?". This is an old question that I do not hear discussed or let alone argued today in money-grubbing-evangelical-money-worshiping circles. We need to ask these questions because there is this possibility of starvation without the production of surplus wealth, which real Christians need to be asking and discussing, in my humble opinion. I mean, after all, Global Warming, nuclear warheads proliferating across the planet, HIV, and not to forget greed, avarice, and the rest!

It all comes to this: If we do not produce for exchange value, then what becomes of our market system of production and the reproduction of our capitalist society? I mean, what happens to the way we produce and buy food and shelter? What becomes of the media and our education system without the profit motive for personal gain? In fact, what becomes of the crime scene! Does it vanish when the motives for crime are diminished 99 percent, at least in terms of the "rational" criminal's mind because Jesus' revolutionary message became generalized in human behavior? What would become of terrorism?

I am asking this very fundamental question, "Will humanity starve as followers of Jesus' message?". At the very least, someone out there needs to ask this question in the commercial media at least once! We do not learn the answer in Sunday school, for sure. The possibility of starving by being kind and giving unto to those with less than ourselves is real.

So "What do we know about Jesus's work in terms of political economy?", I am asking. We know that as a carpenter, Jesus produced wealth through his labor. This tells us, at least, that production for use value must be acceptable when we explain the ways of God to mankind. I mean that Jesus was producing for use, at least. We are not told if he was producing for exchange value. We can at least surmise, judging by his comments, that exchange of labor value was not on his agenda. At the very least, again and again I say, "Jesus was pounding nails to give the production of his labor to someone else, not to exchange it for something else."

So we do know that sharing is part of the Jesus message, part of our explanation of the ways of God to mankind. Again, we do not know that exchange values were part of Jesus's message, at least not as a means to personal gain. Use, yes. Profit, who knows?

There is nothing that I can find in the story of Jesus to suggest adding to the greater glory of God through the accumulation of personal wealth, then. There is much to suggest the obverse, which creates a perplexing issue for those of us interested in exploring space, our planet, and ourselves (The last of which Socrates insisted upon at the very least, first and foremost, as the reader will recall.) Consider that without the surplus in wealth held by either the individual, State, or society, where would the surplus time, surplus leisure arise for learning? After all, some of us must be fishermen and sheep herders so that others can be artists and literary critics.

What becomes of this idea of economic and social "progress" when we all follow Jesus faithfully? I mean really follow Jesus!

I am reminded by one so-called follower of Jesus that "Jesus bought salvation for our souls with his life." Well, "Good enough," I think. Now, in terms of more tangible objects, what would Jesus buy, and for whom? Would he buy bombs for George Bush?

So it goes.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaners

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ex-Press Secretary Blames Bush in Leak

Ex-Press Secretary Blames Bush in Leak

I'm not supposed to get excited, so I won't.

We need to know what is going on in the White House. This is about national security. This is about weapons of mass destruction. This is about treason. We need to know and we have a PERFECT RIGHT to know.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaners

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Iran, Iraq, US

Just heard on Ian Masters' show, and I don't know who he was quoting:

"We have an untenable military situation in Iraq.
The Iranians have a positive political situation in Iraq."

What would Socretes say about this?

I know what I say, "A positive political situation abroad is more desirable than a negative military situation abroad."

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaner

The "Drug War" and American Gangster

Crow and Washington are both expert actors and it shows in the movie, American Gangster. So I won't waste my moment of lucidity on their acting pros and cons. Their character's were real because the story develops from genuine, historical fact.

During the Vietnam War, caskets and body bags sheltered deceased US military personnel returned to the US. A fraction of these also transported heroin, via Burma. Washington's character reflected the antics of an entrepreneurial, African American, drug dealer doing business in Harlem. Unlike his competitors, he went straight to Asia to short-cut the multiple middlemen in the heroin's decent into Harlem.

Now I've lost my "lucid moment."

Today we find that there are many heroin drug users, and they are indeed self-medicating. Whether or not they self-medicate for psychological reasons in the beginning of their abuse, or for the thrill factor, or both, is beside the point. Today they are at risk and so are the police and others that must deal with their behavior.

Again I go on record, despite the Marxist and Christian ideological purists, if people insist on self-medicating , so be it. I know that it is not politically correct to say so, but facts are facts. Besides, is not alcohol use for self-medication? For sure, just like heroin!

Heroin abusers will not stop in most instances, at least once fully addicted, like some alcoholics. So why waste precious lives on stopping them? Why not just let them self-medicate, but with psychoactive drugs prescribed by licensed psychiatrists? What's the big deal? So some folks among us will get a weird adrenaline rush throughout their day while others do not? Unlike alcoholics with nauseating life-styles plagued by hangovers, heroin users can be switched to safer, controlled, psychiatrically prescribed drugs so that they can function throughout their day.

And I know about Brave New World. So what? We do live in a new world. Just look at the stupid boob tube! Millions of people are strung-out on idiot, commercial television, which is criminal to my way of thinking.

And the State does play a role in the type of human beings being produced, besides their epistemological frame of reference. Just look at immigration policies that reward young mothers for reproducing once they arrive within US borders. Bingo! The newborn becomes a citizen and a free pass to its less-than-legal mother. So here's an incentive to produce a particular set of chromosomes based upon immigration policies. Never mind the political economy of how and why mom and infant arrive within US borders. They're here.

Needless to say, folks in the less-than-legal set of circumstances are typically poor, poorly educated, and prone to do the stoop-labor our society needs. "Brave new world," I said. These folks are typically hard working, perform the grunt work, profoundly upright in values' terms, and midevil in their cosmological outlook - - not so unlike the Taliban. (Gads, sounds reactionary doesn't it!)

This population of invaders are often Mayan in heritage, genetically speaking. They perform the socially necessary labor that others refuse to do. Their isolation leads to a form of genetic isolation. So in a sense, by the State's acquiescence in their invasion, the propagation of this population's genetic codes grows. Of course, this is true of other ethnic groups, but no group remains isolated socially and genetically the way the invading population remains. (I would "invade" too if I were in their shoes.)

Not to change the subject anymore than I have, I am not referring to "races" here because there is only one human race. I am making a point that the State already manipulates the human genetic code directly and indirectly, like we read in Huxley's Brave New World.
The USA is being invaded by an "Epsilon" population that has an incentive to invade and procreate, figuratively speaking.

Regressing, "no more cop deaths related to drug dealers," I say. "Let's step into the 21st century" wide-eyed and prepared to deal with intentional manipulation of the cerebral cortex, just like in Star Trek. Sobriety has its virtues, and we should pronounce these virtues high-and-wide. We should also be prepared for those among us that choose to test these pronouncements.

Yes, we can put an end to many of the perfect storms created in law enforcement by removing the drug war from the US law enforcement agenda. End the war against people using drugs. I say it again, "If people want to bailout of the hard knocks of life, that's their business." If people want to live on the street while using la-la land, professionally prescribed chemicals, that's their business. At least with prescribed drugs, like methadone, there's some control over their lives, there's some structure to their lives, and there's some way of helping them, if and when they want help.

At least on prescribed drugs, people will be able to function in a lawful, safe environment. And the police will not be motivated to corrupt their own lives, and the police will be safe from American Gangsters dealing drugs, because there won't be any American gangsters dealing drugs.

And last on these matters, for the moment, when the State prescribes drugs to those who choose to medicate their existence, the State will spend a fraction of what it spends on this crazy drug war.

That's how I see it and so it goes.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaner

Friday, November 9, 2007

Yesterday - Observation 2

On the 57 freeway southbound, the 3 right lanes were closed at Imperial Hwy for construction. Several vehicles were used to block these lanes.

Near the actual work, around 8 or so young men wearing their reflecting outfits sat in a section of road cleared of concrete. They were tying rebar, it appeared. I suppose that they were tying it prior to the insertion of concrete.

The amazing fact is that there were no vehicles or barricades of any sort between these workers and the passing traffic. Orange cones stood at the ready to alert the reckless drivers that we see racing in, out, and between everyone else. But that was all. Not so much as a wheelbarrow stood between these young men and mass murder.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Observation 1 - Yesterday evening

I rushed into the men's room at one of those gas station fast-food businesses late last night. A young Latino man entered carrying a large, see-thru, plastic bag from the ladies' room. It was full of those feminine napkins. (Thank you God for not making me wear one of those things!)

How does OSHA fit into this picture, this on-going story nationwide? He had no gloves on, no mask, and placed the contents of that bag into the waste for the men's room. I suppose he dumped the whole mess into the the solid waste dumster out back.

We can't do this sort of thing with blood from a crime, trauma, or unattended death. I would not want to and I would not want anyone else to do so. My thing is to find a way to treat bio-waste on-site to neutralize, to decontaminate it in a universally safe and effective (affective?) way.

I know I've covered this information here before. The napkins are safe unless the blood dries out and can flake, thereby becoming airborne, or if it is moist and can splash or drip or smear into or onto someone's wounds or orifices, like the mouth, eyes, and wounds.

I'm thinking about getting Crime Scene Cleanup Magazine going (again), only for free this time. (An afterthought)

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Does anyone REALLY CARE?

I write for myself and not an audience, and I write because "The writer writes because he has something to say." Anyone reading my blog will agree that I spend more time belly-aching over environmental issues than anything else, and that I tend to lean toward law enforcement's well being, left-of-center as I've been called. Actually, I am quite conservative and have a deep sense of common decency for the current and future generations.

Be that as it may, when we write for the Internet, the use of capital letters, as in my title, signifies shouting, screaming.

And I did indeed intend to convey the shouting of the two words, "REALLY CARE?", because when it really comes down to it, I believe that there is a very small population that really cares about the fate of the Earth and all of Mother Earth's children -- all of them.

Geologists: Collier Glacier is shrinking

Fires Chase 300,000 From Homes

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Ian Masters' Background Briefing

Don't forget to listen to Ian Masters' Background Briefing tomorrow morning.

October 7.

WWII postcard reaches Japanese man

WWII postcard reaches Japanese man

On the part of World War II, I suppose it was a necessary war, given the information we have at hand.

Given the information at hand, It seems the recent war on the Iraqi people is a war of choice on my country's part. I am ashamed of those who promote the war against the Iraq population. For those who continue to promote Bush and his program of death, I cannot measure the shame I feel because of their stupidity, bigotry, ignorance, and more.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Biological Hazard Defined

In case I'm forgetting to place this somewhere where I can find it, here it is.

Keep blood dry as possible and keep it free from flaking before beginning work.

If flaked and/or moist upon arrival, alter it before work begins. Remember "moist," not soaked, not dripping.
Wet blood is a hazard.

Altering includes pre-treating for bagging, transport.

"A biological hazard or biohazard is an organism, or substance derived from an organism, that poses a threat to (primarily) human health. This can include medical waste, samples of a microorganism, virus or toxin (from a biological source) that can impact human health. It can also include substances harmful to animals. The term and its associated symbol is generally used as a warning, so that those potentially exposed to the substances will know to take precautions. There is also a biohazard HCS/WHMIS logo which utilizes the same symbol. Wikipedia"

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

President Bush to help my business!

I recently heard that military veterans of the Iraq war will be denied mental health benefits in many cases. It seems that the Veterans Administration has begun labeling some war related mental health issues as "pre-existing personality disorders," thereby releasing the US Government from liability for their mental health problems.

As a consequence, I figure, we will see an increase in suicides among veterans and an increase in my work-load.

So it goes.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Off-duty Wis. deputy sheriff kills 6

By ROBERT IMRIE, Associated Press Writer

"All I heard it was a jealous boyfriend and he went berserk. He took them all out."

I do not like guns, period. Anyone reading my blogs will testify that I write about by dislike for guns often enough:

Cop's Shots at Snake May Have Killed Boy - Poor police work and possi cometatus - Guns Suck!

Given the male component for testosteron, we can expect young men to "go off" at a fairly well paced regularity - - It's in their blood, literally. Throw in some jealousy, over-time police work, and bang! Of course, there are thousands of types of "mental illness" that will become suspect before the truth is known about the above incident. Be sure of this, the gun made it all possible.

There is little that we can do about it. Guns are here to stay. Try to police them out of existence and their presence will grow ten-fold and their value will grow a thousand-fold; Crimes related to "dealing" in guns will grow exponentially as the market for their cash-value grows, should they ever be outlawed.

There is only one time that I would want a gun to exist, and that time will never come, I hope. That is, if my wife were ever attacked by a loony bent on harming her, I would want her to have a gun to protect herself. I would also want her to be well trained to handle it.

That's about all that I have to say on the subject of guns and the unfortunate event that brought me to my mental-health blog writings. It does help to vent in this manner. Too bad the young police officer from the above incident wasn't blogging to vent problems.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Monday, October 1, 2007

Nepotism, Coroners' Employees, Crime Scene Cleanup

I'm looking at the big picture now, at least I hope that it is the big picture. My computer, the Internet, and crime scene cleanup take a much less demanding place in this big picture. I see that this line of business has reached its limits for me. I need to ease it out of my life, in part, just as computers and the Internet need to ease out of my life. Owning and so many other web sites has helped business, though.

Speaking of business, sadly enough, I find that those who deserve zero from this business gain greatly from it. Some might say that I am a "poor sport" for thinking this way.

The stories come in slowly from north, south, east, and west. Small companies vanquished by nepotism in coroners' offices lose out as nepotism slowly replaces free enterprise in the crime scene cleanup business. Civil servants, tax supported employees often seize the better paying death scenes for their relatives and friends, and at the bereaved and insurance company's loss.

There is not much to be done for it because word to the county administrator's goes unheard, or they could care less. Employees, relatives, and friends garner the more lucrative cleaning jobs simply because of their monopoly over information about homicides, suicides, and decompositions from unattended deaths. This is not "small business," it is not "free enterprise," it is nepotism, or a form of quasi-fascism to the sorry losers.

For example, if your father was county sheriff of town X, and you happen to be the son or daughter of the now retired sheriff, you stand to inherit whatever you might wish from this business so many now call "crime scene cleanup." Perhaps your brother-in-law works for the coroner's office as a technician or an investigator. The simple elimination of a few of your competitors' from a call list handed to the bereaved goes a long way. It is so easy to remove competitors when your office is in the coroner's department. This is one of the surest ways to enrich the undeserving who are removed from our competitive economy, the surest way to monopize profits from cleaning death scenes. Skew the opportunities to clean; that's the key.

Think about it. It is not appropriate for nepotism to occur in this environment by any means, but it goes on, and it grows. Can you imagine the conventions, the email lists, and other sources of information that carry information informing coroners' employees. Some moon-light and refer work to friends and relatives for a piece of the action. This is MONOPOLY and without the hazards of going to jail and a sure ticket to passing Go. Sad business it is.

Sure, it's OK for morticians and such to share information, to recommend one business over another for service and kickbacks. But it is another thing for a tax supported entity to become a broker for death's cleanup.

Crime Scene has been fun for me because of the many calls for help that I received from it over the years; not calls for cleaning so much, but calls for vocational education information. There have been so many youngsters out there excited by the thought that they too were going to make "one-hundred dollars an hour." Little did they know that so many in this business pump it up into the thousands. Few know that the "heavy hitters" were and are somehow related to the coroners' offices throughout the USA by virtue of their family and friends.

I hope that the so-called "schools" for this business will not scalp too many of these youngsters as the years come and go. Granted, I can name two outstanding schools worthy of their fees, one of which I attended in Missouri. There is no nepotism to be found in their curriculum, only information for cleaning bio-hazards.

I dribble here.

Now, isn't all of this nepotism sort of like the "crony capitalism" that we see in Russia and other countries? Then again, isn't it sort of like the nepotism over monopoly occurring everyday in the USA as the top one-percent of our population plan their agenda?

For certain, I need steady work and income, and I need to get away from this computer for my remaining years. I've been here for several decades now. I started with the Commodore, which many young people have never heard. I was cranking out college papers on it with great glee so many years ago, but that seems like just a while ago! I don't regret any of it, but it is time to move back to the real world of stone-and-mortar. I need to make like Commodore and jam from this scene! My gut is testimonial enough to the hazard of this workplace.

I suspect that my cleaning days are coming to a close as I find a way to detach myself from this monitor and keyboard.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Coroners' Employees and the future of CSC as a small business.

The stories are coming, one from the north, another from the south, then the east and west. Coroners' employees and others related to this civil service work are cashing in on the crime scene cleanup business. They have an ideal perch from which to gain access to the more lucrative decomposition and suicide cleanups, not to mention the homicides.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaners

Deaths among American forces and Iraqi civilians fell

<<BAGHDAD - Deaths among American forces and Iraqi civilians fell dramatically last month to their lowest levels in more than a year, according to figures compiled by the U.S. military, the Iraqi government and The Associated Press.>>

By no means a fan of Bush's war, I will admit that the above article brings good news, in a sense. At least the numbers are reported down, rather than up. If it is true that the "surge" (escalation) brought about a decrease in overall death and sulfuring, good.

It is odd that an adequate number of troops were not used to begin with; it is even more odd that US troops were needed at all following the collapse of the sadman regime. The Iraqi Army, or at least its military police, could have remained to police its own population. They even speak the same language.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Crime Scene Cleanup - The Web Site!

I should write more about one of my more popular web sites, crime scene cleanup. It is true, I own the domain as well as the DBA in Orange County, California.

For the longest time I let this site languish. Then, bingo!, I decided to use it in a more progressive manner. "Crime" should be thought about in more general terms, I figure, and that's how I'm going to use my site,

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

First 'Interplanetary Spaceship' Blasts Off


This is not one of my more progressive posts, I know. One must tempt the faiths from time-to-time, I suppose.

The space stuff has always been exciting to me. I prefer that the unmanned ships get the bucks, but they are not as fanciful for folks to think about.
This article is about a genuine interplanetary spaceship destined to cruise two different space bodies, the second around 2015. I don't think I'll get to see the results of this last one, and who knows, maybe few of us will the way it looks nuke-wise.Publish Post

Nukes suck anyway ya cut it!

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Alternative Radio

If you value independent, critical information, visit Alternative Radio.

If you value gas priced at below $3.00 per gallon, you owe it to yourself to find out why Bush wants to attack Iran and what the consequences will be if he does so.

Who will benefit and who will pay the bills?

Isn't it enough that the US Government invaded Iraq without giving a hoot for the stored Iraqi weapons? Isn't it enough that the US cannot account for half of the weapons it issued to Iraq's military and police?

How can anyone believe Bush's propaganda time after time after time?

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Stuck in Traffic? You're Not Alone

Here's an article on traffic congestion and driving time.


To my way of seeing it, if and when Bush attacks Iran, traffic will move quite smoothly and slowly.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Sheriff Coroner

In California the coroner's office is usually referred to as the "Sheriff Coroner" because the county sheriff has the duty of retrieving the deceased, in many cases. The Sheriff is an elected official, so his/her job is performed as a public trust.

The Sheriff coroner's technicians, clerks, and other functionaries keep the gears rolling when death arrives outside of a hospital.

It is the technicians that actually do the lifting-moving of the deceased. These are the personnel tasked with entering a death scene littered with thousands of dead flies and even more thriving flies, often airborne. Maggots, spiders, and other insects thrive in this environment, for a while. Once the technicians do their work, the insect life begins to die off. At times, the deceased has become stuck to the carpet. It is easier to contain, lift, and move the deceased and carpet as one piece of material, at times.

I am usually very pleased with the technicians' work. "How do they do it," I often think when I walk into an advanced, decomposition scene. I may be wearing protective gear, at least a full-face respirator. They have been in and out wearing paper masks, if wearing anything on their faces at all! Sure they probably get used to the odors, if anyone can get over these odors -- I never have. Sure they probably get used to the horrific scene of bloated or mummified human remains -- I never would. My hat is off to them. And fairly consistently they do good work, sometimes beyond the call of duty, it appears.

Rarely do these technicians fail to gather all the bio-waste from a violent death scene. Wounds to the head create special problems, at times. With a head wound, I expect to find hair, pieces of scalp, pieces of teeth, and even pieces of jaw. These pieces are obviously missed because they were projected well beyond the immediate proximity of the deceased. After all, why should the technicians be looking in a closed shower when the suicide took place on a bed some 25 feet away?

Wounds to the abdomen by large caliber handguns may cause the stomach and other vital organs to spill onto the surface of the floor, right next to the deceased. It depends upon the the angle of the projectile; it depends upon the victim's clothing or lack of clothing. Unlike the discrete pieces created by a head wound, the abdomen's contents sort of slide into a bloody mix. Either stomach, spleen, kidney, and liver, some part or whole of this mix pour onto the floor's surface, in many cases.

The technicians remove most of this mix, but for the blood and unknown ooze. On occasion, though, small or even large quantities of this mix sort of slide under a bed or under a night stand beyond sight, beyond reach. After all, this mix is quite fluid, slippery, and moving with some velocity following impact. As physics would have it, this mix is so slippery that it becomes difficult to pick up. For recent wounds, say within 36 hours, removing this slivering mix requires pushing it across the surface of the floor into a dust pan or such. It is too slippery, too amorphous to simply remove as one would a discrete piece of carpet.

This is where I come in, to recover what the coroner's employee's might have missed or simply ignored. After all, sometimes there are heating blanket wires, lamp wires, clock wires, TV wires, radio wires, computer and monitor wires, shoes, socks, pillows, blankets, pictures, bottles, ash trays, and more covering the line-of-sight to the errant, abdominal mix. Perhaps the released material has slid away on a nicely polished stone or linoleum surface. You get the picture?

The coroner's technicians earn their keep, then. Keep in mind that they lift death many times. Sometimes death is heavy; Sometimes death is not so heavy, and sometimes death is stuck to the floor and surrounding walls and ceiling. These technicians earn their stripes the old fashioned way, lifting and moving under fire, so to speak.

I suspect that many coroner's employees make very nice friends. I suspect that they have a defensive attitude about their occupation, "Someone has to do it."

I can find no wrong with the job or the job description.
With all they do, with so little public recognition and all the wealth to be gained in the world, I can easily imagine how a coroner's technician might bend to a bit of bribery from a guy like me. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Voodoo Box for Movies

Here's another tech gadget sure to change our lives, for better or worse.

For better, there's less hassle when it's time to watch movies.

For worse, the couch-potato syndrone will grow.
Worse, civil society will decrease that much more as people have fewer moments left for learning about and doing affective political work.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Cost of the war in Iraq

Tap to see the cost of the war in Iraq.

These figures do not include the care needed by wounded military personnel for the rest of their lives. There are no reparations figures here.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Microsoft Office vs. Google Apps

Microsoft Office vs. Google Apps

<<Hassle-free setup and maintenance

Simply sign up and start managing your Google Apps account from an easy-to-use online control panel. Everything runs from our secure, reliable servers, so there's no software to install, no hardware to purchase and no backups or patches to manage.>>

This is an interesting video. Many folks dislike Microsoft, and there's a move in cyberspace to place applications and such on servers, like Sun Microsystem has pursued.

Imagine using a computer with a monitor and keyboard hooked to a cable, no computer to deal with at home. That's what we could be headed for, and even sooner than later.

The downside, as I see it, is loss of some control.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Mix not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth while you know the truth!

Mix not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth while you know the truth!

I may be duplicating this piece, but it is worth it for a few reasons, at least.

"Mix not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth while you know the truth!" reflects a concept so important to the future. Nukes, biohazards, Bush's "weapons of mass destruction" and now his focus on Iran, these are good reasons to consider this concept. Getting the truth amid corporate news outlets can be nearly impossible. Remember their flag waving and gung-ho approach to reporting the news on Bush's WMDs?

This is political art, propaganda. This propaganda does what propaganda ought to do. It helps to persuade the viewer-listener to consider the primal importance of truth and truth telling. How do I know this? I feel it. It's intuitive. I feel it, I "know it" with the same center-of-knowing as I intuited that George Bush would be trouble for the World when he proclaimed "Jesus Christ" as his "philosopher" during the so-called debates for president in 2002. (Jesus is devine, not a philosopher for anyone that missed this debate - - Bush was obvioiusly out of his league and not the one to represent the strongest nation on Earth, which he seems to prove whenever he opens his mouth!)

More though, the artistry here is so compelling. Notice the use of light and shadows. This black and white scenery adds to the value of the video's message, truth is black and white. For the Palestinians, the truth is that they are agrarian in mind and urban in existence; they are suppressed in a small area of the world and now manipulated beyond all hope, it appears. Truth to them is a matter of survival, as it is to most of us now. The World no longer has time for anything but truth, but truth is what we do not receive from our leaders. These are black and white matters, not gray areas.

I enjoy the fading in-and-out from front to back, back to front. This is a simple, but affective camera technique to help the viewer focus on the producer's concern at the moment, to add motion, change.

Note that these male singers are young, clean, well dressed, and that the building, its floors and columns appear well cleaned. The breeze blowing through the structure lifts the veils ever so lightly, giving the impression of motion, soft and inevitable change. These young men are impressive in their appearance as is the building. The entire scene is, frankly, beautiful, and these are terms that I seldom use, ever.

This arrangement struck me as more interesting when I finally got around to studying film and video production. Serious content needs to be black and white, obviously. And here the motion of the cameras seems to work so well with the motion of the set. Editing this piece must have been a work of love, I would think.

I am really touched by the content, which I cannot interpret (Boy would the laugh be on me!), but it is the title and manner of presentation of this entire piece that assures me their is Truth in this video.

I fear that without Truth, with a big "T," young men in troubled places will invoke their own kind of truth with WMDs for real.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Monday, September 17, 2007

Fox Attacks

Fox Attacks!

House of War: The Pentagon and the Disastrous Rise of American Power

House of War: The Pentagon and the Disastrous Rise of American Power

The Shock Doctrine

<<Her explosive new book exposes the lie that free markets thrive on freedom. In our first exclusive extract, the No Logo author reveals the business of exploiting disaster>>

I just heard the author interviewed and I say that she makes some really good arguments.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Fueling the Iran-Iraq Slaughter

Tap here.

An Odor Theory - Cellulosic Saturation

The death odor, aka miasma,
seems to linger farr too long following the decomposition of organic matter.

In an enclosed building with little ventilation, miasma penetrates cellular materials found in clothing, carpet, carpet padding, composite wood, mattresses.

I often use ozone machines and chemicals to remove or at least alter this distressing odor. When the odor has been present for too long in too much consentration, it is very hard to remove.

I have found that the larger the cellular structure of material, be it organic or inorganic, the greater its saturation wth miasma. Even walls will resist desaturation, depending upon their cellular structure. Cement walls, which typically have tight cellular structure, tend to resist penetration by odors. Inexpensive composite woods tend to have large cellular structure and tend to absorb and hold odors.

In my experience, the following items tend to hold the miasma odor:
Carpet padding
Clothing (organic and inorganic)
Composite wood
- cabinets
- fan blades
- apartment walls


My expeerience is that nature will take its course and the offending odors will dissipate. Few of us have the luxury of waiting for Mother Nature, though.

Villating a room is most important. Next, cleaning and removing the offending matter. Then creating high levels of oxygen with a ozone machine will help. Applying various chemicals will also help. And this is the idea that caused me to write this blurb here, applying various chemicals in a search for the best miasma neutralizer. I have tried bleach, which helps more than most chemicals, but bleach has problems. Bleach stains and it causes corrosion.

Vinegar is a candidate under some circumstances, like non-porous surfaces, but it must be studied further.

I will write more on this subject at a latter date, documenting my findings as they develop.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Greenspan Bashes Bush Over Spending

<<"My biggest frustration remained the president's unwillingness to wield his veto against out-of-control spending," Greenspan wrote. >>

Greenspan's "frustration" is understandable if we consider Bush as a "conservative." But, if we consider him as a right-wing revolutionary, his crazy spending splurge makes sense. Bush has a goal, perhaps, of destroying the US Government's role in social spending. I hope that this line of reasoning is not correct because if it is, the outcomes will be quite sad for the next generation or two or three.

If Bush is just a big dummy, which appears to be the case, and he is the puppet we suspect others of directing, then these magbuck spending days make sense from the perspective of those out to raid the US Treasury, which is going on daily, it appears.

The oil and the power that the control over the World's oil bestows is, in part, behind the Iraq war. The idea that Saddan Hussaine had weapons of mass destruction was pretty well proven faalse long before the US invasion of Iraq. Only the US public was successfully lead to believe in the propaganda manufactured by the White House and dominant media.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Saturday, September 15, 2007

U.S. nuclear team ends survey in NKorea

North Korea's nuclear ambitions may be on the way out as the US and other countries offer aid in return for no-nukes policies.

In this positive course of events, there is a thread of the way it should be, World-wide.

Since my first philosophy class some 35 years ago, I have believed the role of the USA ought to be helping other countries with science, education, medicine, and other non-military fields of endeavor. It is true that my approach does not lead to riches for US corporation, but it does lead to peace and friendship between nations.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Two Soldiers Critical of War Die in Iraq

It could not be any sadder, but I am afraid that it will get a lot worse.

Read HERE.

"As responsible infantrymen and noncommissioned officers with the 82nd Airborne Division soon heading back home, we are skeptical of recent press coverage portraying the conflict as increasingly manageable and feel it has neglected the mounting civil, political and social unrest we see every day," the soldiers wrote.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Crime Scene Cleanup and Kotex

You just never know what you are going to find on a crime scene cleanup. On a recent trip to clean I removed bloody Kotex from the scene. Used Kotex, by the way, are the one object that causes me to gag.

So what do I do with these things? Do I toss them in my black bag, toss them in my black bag for red bag disposal as biowaste, or do I throw them in the trash can to be picked up on trash day with tons of other bloody
feminine hygiene napkins?

So, I took the middle path. I placed them in a black bag as solid waste disposal and that way saved myself biowaste fees while remaining within socially acceptable feminine hygiene disposal practices.

Last, today is trash pickup day on my street. The sociologist inside me guesses that if we have 100 females on our street capable of menstruating, then we may have roughly 20 actually doing so. Of these 20, some 5 feminine hygiene napkins will be in the trash today for each female. This means that on my street alone, the trash truck will recover 100 feminine hygiene napkins.

By any crime scene cleanup measure, my street will produce a greater quantity of bloody objects than many multiple homicide scenes will produce.

Now that is something to think about!

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Why I like Truth and Ralph Nader

I like plain, simple Truth. I like Ralph Nader because he speaks plain, simple truth.

This guy is like the son every parent wishes they had raised, but for his disregard of worldly goods and services, his disregard of power, fame, and fortune, and his willful disregard of our government's PR campaigns.

Ralph's comments on the upcoming, presidential election are just so right on!

Get these two comments:

1. Create a law that requires government representatives to draft their own children into any war that they vote "yes" upon.

2. Create a law requiring congress to ensure the same medical coverage for the entire US Population as they receive.

Simple isn't it. No bull. Just truth to power.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

General Petraeus and Vietnam's Westmoreland

I was standing at attention as the great General Westmoreland stood in front of me, viewing my ectomorphic physic wrapped in my new jungle fatigues. I held my used M-16 fast-and-steady with both arms taunt, should the great general care to examine its elegance. (It may have been an M-15 at that time; I forget. It was like a "Matell" toy, we used to say.)

Little did the good general know that I had just minutes before suffered gastronomically in an outhouse for officers just yards away. With only two weeks in-country living on C-rations, I was becoming acclimated to the food, land, culture, and war. I would stand at attention no matter how powerful my gas attacks. I would suffer beyond pain while containing flatulence and cramps, "taking the pain" so as not to dishonor myself or those near me. (Yes, this is fact, not fiction.)

Westmoreland, if you were unaware, was God to 18 year-old infantry soldiers. And I, a private who had just violated my combat hardened infantry officers' poddy, would not further degrade myself, my parents, or my country! I stood ready to follow every order from this great man and his subordinates.

It happened that Westmoreland's words to the US Congress at this time (1965) and some years later were like the words of God, too. What Westmoreland said was the nature of the Vietnam war beast as far as the US population was concerned. It turned out that his words had about as much value as the crap I humbly deposited in the command officers' outhouse.

There was very little
critical thinking at this time of history, sort of like today in the US Congress and White House, sort of like the sinking of the Maine in the Cuban harbor. As time passed and infantry life in Vietnam pressed my 5'11 1/2 " frame into a 135 pound fighting mass of nervous disorders, I found myself questioning arson in a new light. "Wasn't it wrong to burn someone's home, and isn't even more wrong to burn an entire village?" I asked my less-than-critical, 18 year-old, working-class mind. "Yep," it's wrong, I surmised, and then I vowed to live with this contradiction as if I had no part in its doing, though I would have dutifully destroyed any force interfering with our village-large-arson attacks. Vietnamese peasants were being taught lessons by the great, white general, and I, a private, had no standing to question his greatness, by God!

Now, fast forward to General Petreus yesterday as he basically reiterated the White House line on Iraq, 2007. Note what he did not comment on, too. Note that Petreus failed to comment on Iraqi casualties in any meaningful manner;

Note that Petreus failed to comment on Iraqi hospitals, water supplies, food supplies, and general welfare in any meaningful manner;

Note that Petreus failed to inform the US population that the terms "freedom fighters" were synonymous with last year's "insurgents"
in any meaningful manner;

Note that Petreus failed to comment on the US weapons that made their way into the hands of Iraqis following the US invasion of Iraq, and he did not even bother to tell us where half of the weapons went that we gave to the Iraqi Army and police!

What I mean is that life is intolerable in Iraq for the general population and no one wants to bring this fact to light in any meaningful manner. The folks now fighting on the same side as the US were on the other side of the street last year. They fight the fundamentalist fanatics dedicated on returning all of Iraq to the middle ages.

Later, these same "freedom fighters," war lord troops, will again turn their weapons upon their fellow countrymen. I'm sure you will forget these words as my predictions turn out true. Most people forget when it is inconvenient to remember.

General Petraeus, like Westmoreland, is doing PR work for our government's monumental crime against the people of Iraq.
Did Petraeus mention reperations for Iraq, by the way? I don't think he did so any more than Westmoreland did for Vietnam.

Last, if you were not aware, and this is important for all to know, Ho Chi Mein
was a nationalist leader. I was a so-so soldier. I never met Ho Chi Mein, but I did encounter some of his volunteer supporters. That's the way it is.

A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam (Paperback) if you too want to feel "peturbed." Read it to your children 3 times, and out loud!
Eddie Evans

Crime Scene Cleanup

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Downing Street Memo

The Downing Street Memo gives truth to the fact that George Bush planned the attack on Iraq without just cause.

I have had the above on my mind for the last week after seeing a piece of news featuring a young, US Marine injured by a road-side bomb. He will not be reading or hearing the Downing Street Memo because he lost his sight in both eyes and hearing in both ears. Kind of like "Johnny Got his Gun," but in this Marine's case, he has his limbs, filled with shrapnel as they are.

Perhaps George Bush should read the Downing Street Memo, if he can read.

Eddie Evans

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Britain to put picture warnings on all tobacco products

Britain to put picture warnings on all tobacco products

Cigarettes constitute one of the greatest threats to human health and welfare of all time. On a global scale, consider the damage to lungs, families, businesses, and the next generation's prospects. Cigarette smokers destroy so much more than their lungs.

The resources devoted to combating diseased lungs created by mindless addiction in our globalized, market embedded societies is staggering. I'll post figures here when I pass them on the Internet.

My oldest sister smoked herself to death as she totally denied the health hazards of smoking. She could hardly complete a sentence before she died. Oddly, she had no measurable signs of cancer until the week before she died, the week before she lost her mind. The cancer destroyed her brain cells, apparently quite quickly at the end.

If our government, our culture, will allow giant corporations to lie to us and help kill us for their bottom-line, what else are they willing to lie about?

Have you heard the history of women and smoking in the USA? Drop by again and I'll have it posted`

Celluon CL850 Laser Projector Keyboard!

As much as I gripe about the market embedded mind, I must still share some of the really neat stuff out there. Check this out, the Celluon laser keyboard. If I had $90 for another gadget I'd buy this baby in a flash!
Keys to success
Celluon CL850 Laser Projector Keyboard; $90;

Jim Motyl, software engineer, WMS Gaming:

After years of lugging around a laptop on business trips, I decided to lighten my load by getting an ultramobile PC. But the miniature computer lacked a proper keyboard, a serious disadvantage when working on the road. Still, I didn't want a full-size portable keyboard -- that's just one more thing to carry. The solution was this Korean laser projector, a Bluetooth device that connects to my UMPC (as well as to PDAs, cell phones, and other mobile devices) and shines a bright red "qwerty" keyboard on flat surfaces. It weighs slightly more than 4 ounces and is just 3.5 inches wide, so it fits inside my UMPC's case. The keys can be clearly seen in well-lit offices, restaurants, and practically every other environment except direct sunlight. Sensors pick up my finger movements about a quarter-inch above the surface, typing elicits keyboardlike clicks to signal that the sensors are doing their job, and placing a finger at the bottom of the keyboard activates the mouse function. All told, this device provides another welcome layer of mobility to my mobile computing.


Eddie Evans

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Senator Pleads Guilty in Restroom Flap

How are we going to cleanup crime when the politicians continue as they always have?

<<"What's up with elected officials like Senator Craig? They stand for so-called family values and fight basic protections for gay people while furtively seeking other men for sex," Foreman said. >>

eddie evans

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Medieval crucifix found in Austrian rubbish skip

I once had a philosophy teacher (Philosophies of Process) who took great glee in "one man's rubbish becoming another man's tool." He would have loved this story and I could not pass it up in case anyone else has an interest in this area.

If you did not read about it before, here it is.

Incidentally, my professor passed on before the end of the semester. I came to know him because of our mutual interest in George Herbert Mead, a philosopher I expect to explore here at a later date.

Eddie Evans

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Military Religious Freedom Foundation

Today's soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen are subjected to religious prostylizing as part of their
military lives.

Go HERE to learn more and help protect the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Friday, August 10, 2007

A Look Under The Hood - How Stuff Works

Take a look under the hood HERE and find a very useful library for vehicle education.
I'll be adding to this particular blog piece in the future.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Cop's Shots at Snake May Have Killed Boy

Tap HERE for another hard to believe police ignorance story.

I wrote a piece on training and shooting behavior within the last month. I suppose that's enough for this blog for the time. Tap here for the previous blog piece.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Dandy Auto and Truck Repair Site

Click HERE for a dandy auto and truck repair site.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Rivas Art - Mystery, Contradiction, Continuity

Rivas Art - Mystery, Contradiction, Continuity - Abstract

Tap here.

This is photography, not painting or digital production.

N.J. approves needle exchange program

Now we are getting somewhere!

TRENTON, N.J. - Intravenous drug users will be able to get clean needles in four New Jersey cities under an experimental program approved Tuesday to try to slow the spread of HIV and AIDS.

Tap here for story.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Most Dangerous States

Tap here for a list of the most dangerous states, as of 2006.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Drive like the cops.

Read about driving like the cops.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Valerie Plame's blown cover and Bush

Wilson has said he believes his wife's identity was disclosed to punish him and to undermine his credibility>>

Who would have thought that a president of the United States would poo-poo the disclosure of a CIA agent, an agent involved in discovering intelligence about weapons of mass destruction, to boot!

The world is upside down.

Who would have thought that it would take a "Born Again Christian" president to codify torture by the US Government!

The world is upside down.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Female circumcision a problem in Britain

Hard to believe, isn't it?
Yep, see here.
Poor police work and possi cometatus.

The below link to a video will become a standard viewing requirement for police academy recruits in the near future, like tomorrow morning. It is obvious why it is so important. It looks like fiction, but it is not. The officer in this video was reported to have died from his wounds.

See this video by tapping here. (Expect a commercial first)

Most if not all law enforcement folks will point to this naive act of the slain officer as "poor police work." Perhaps the officer forgot his place; perhaps he had a long day and was off duty soon, or perhaps he was scheduled for a long vacation and started vacationing while on duty. Perhaps turning your back on a suspect in this part of the world is considered safe. It is not.

The dead officer somehow thought that the pepper spray would incapacitate his suspect, but why? This must be one of the worst police stops ever videoed. Who is this guy's department training officer? Dammit, I want to know!

Watch the officer approach the suspect's car. What does he have in his shooting-hand? Right, a can of "pepper spray." That's a big mistake to begin with. Who are this guys peers? Why did this officer learn to carry any object other than his firearm in his shooting-hand? Did he stand around the coffee counters with a cup of coffee in this hand while telling war stories? Over the years, did he somehow learn to ignore one of the greatest commandments of police work: Keep your shooting-hand free, always.

I see security cops do it all the time. They stand around smoking with their right hand, and it is their right hand that they must use to draw and shoot. Then there's the officers that somehow think that their academy training was fine for the academy, but ignore their initial training because they think that they know it all. Well, they do not know it all.

Cops die every day doing good police work. They get caught by the numbers; not here. Here the three major errors leading to total negligence are 1. failing to take control of the situation, 2. approaching a suspect with the shooting-hand encumbered (pepper spray), and 3. turning on a suspect. Try these stunts in the Pico Union District of Los Angeles as a police officer and see natural selection operate quickly and effectively.

I have not carried a sidearm in decades. I can honestly say that to this day my right hand, my shooting hand, is free anytime I need to carry something with one hand. I still, by good training, keep my shooting-hand free. To this day! I don't think my behavior is unusual. I think it reflects that I had good training.

Cops learn that they give up their dominant hand when they enter law enforcement, and that's 24/7/365. A well trained cop does not stop to think about which hand to use for holding any thing, ever. They know that their dominant hand is free to the last. Encumber the weak hand, not the dominant hand, always. When a cop abandons this commandment, a bolt of lightning-like energy should propagate from their brain to their shooting-hand to correct the situation.

Off the point, but worthy of bringing up in terms of another police officer being shot dead, when people complain about police abuse, they are correct to do so when an officer's behavior is abusive. I want to point out, too, that every police officer copes with a certain amount of anxiety every day. Like the shooting-hand, their work becomes part of their soma, their musculature or muscle memory. The stress is there even though the stress object is not.

So being a "police officer" does not somehow remove a person from our species' fight-or-flight response system and all that comes with it. We must expect daily anxieties to wear away at the more human side of humanity in the business of policing. This is not to excuse police abuse, but to help explain it. Cops live with a real and imagined threat to their lives every day that they put on their badge. Here, a cop made a big mistake and paid the big price for being naive. Cops cannot forget that they are cops in a real world of bad guys. I am sure that most cops do not need me to remind them.

And what about the second shooter, the possi cometatus? Will he or she now deal with the ordeal related to breaking one of the great commandments? One act of poor police work makes its way to others real quick, it appears.

I am sorry.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Sunday, July 8, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth - Al Gore

I just watched Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. It's an authentic effort and not the screaming "liberalism" the right-wing critic crowd claims about this film.

And to qualify my position on Gore and the democrats, I am not a democrat or republican.
I am in favor of leaving this planet in better shape than I found it, and it looks like I am going to fail. So Al's efforts at educating the World's population are well received by this critic. We should note, too, that there are many other things this millionaire, ruling-elite, Vietnam Veteran could do with his time.

To the point, I do not see anything manipulative in Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. This is an Ethical production with a big "E," not a for-profit or political production. He is an environmentalist, a shallow environmentalist, but just the same, concerned with a whole lot more than belly-button politics or a place in history.

Al notes his introduction to the subject of increased CO2 in his college years during the 1950's. He shows video of his professor, a cutting-edge researcher on the increase of CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere. Al then notes various environmental events. There is no dogma here, only figures and graphs, besides pictures. Basically, Al presents an argument from beginning, to middle, to ending with scientific method as his source of validity: observation and replication of findings under the same or similar conditions that anyone else can duplicate.

Population, technology, and inappropriate use of resources lead to Global Warming, according to Al. Al points out the US's lop-sided use of resources while noting that, ironically, the US is one of two "advanced" nations on Earth (Australia being the other), which continues to deny Global Warming's consequences for the future.

If I were to point to a "liberal" bias in Al's production, it is in his failure to point to capitalism's part in Global Warming, the necessity to grow-or-die. He leaves capitalism untouched as a source of greed and manipulation of the sources of production, consumption, and information, although he does point out that the dominant media are in the business of manipulating information. Al knows all to well about the Tobacco industry's lies and manipulation from personal experience. So it is not a big leap for Al to understand the same manipulation of the public and similar propaganda put forth by other growth maniacs.

Of course, Al points to the inherent mechanisms of capitalism to revolutionize technology. Solar, wind, and conservation are among his solutions for the Earth's fever, which can be eased through economic means and individual efforts.

I say "good" for Al Gore and his willingness to point out the destruction of Earth's many habitats as we play our part in destroying future generations' prospects for survival. Good for Al to point out the greater likelihood of nuclear war because of Global Warming.
He did come up short on the micro-biological consequences of Global Warming, but then, getting folks to follow and understand the big picture while connecting the dots is enough of a challenge.

My last comments on this for now: We need to keep in mind that our culture is basically anti-intellectual. Al Gore's presentation of himself over the decades has been a bit too intellectual for the general public. If Al played football or drove a race car, his words would carry more influence with Joe Six-Pack.

Good for you Al Gore. Now quite the DemoPublicans and you'll really rank high with me.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Top 10 Surprising Results of Global Warming

See The 10 Suprising Results of Global Warming as published by Live Science.

Sometime I feel a little giddy because my grouchy "told-ya-so" Global Warming rant looks like it really is for real. In the 70's I read about the possibility of Global Warming on theoretical grounds in Scientific American, and "no" I do not remember which issue. I do recall that nobody wanted to talk about it or listen to me go on about the Earth's foreseeable doom. I believe that statistical tables were presented in that time, too. This is back when I was preaching on environmental and critter issues in general. I soon shied away from talking about Global Warming because others were talking about it enough to satisfy me. It is also too hard to discuss something that you cannot see, like gravity and evolution.

Species-populations in the wild came to be and is my thing since it is easy enough to see what has happened to critical species' habitat World-wide, including - - especially in Southern California where I was raised. I actually played in thousands of acres of wetland when I was between 6 and 10 years old. It is all gone now, of course. It is rare to see butterflies now, and I never see frogs, which were so common. I used to take "pollywogs" home to raise them, and never succeeded. These species are still to be found in rare places on our planet. I'm sure that the beautiful dragonflies are to be found elsewhere, but not in so many places like before - - 50 years ago. Frogs are definitely on the outs as the Sun's ultraviolet light cooks their sensitive mucus-like skin, which has more to do with the planet's Ozone depletion than Global Warming.

Anyway, Global Warming appears to be the real deal and I feel so giddy because I was so right about such a catastrophic, planet shaking hell-on-Earth process. Too bad for the following generations - - I told ya not to make those babies. Now see what you have done!

Perhaps George Bush will read these words and do something useful for the future - - for once.

So it goes.

Eddie Evans

Friday, June 22, 2007

Endangered Bird Crime Scene

Imagine an endangered species of bird poached from the Amazon and smuggled into a single-wide, new mobile home. I said "new" mobile home. Imagine the evil doer letting these birds roost and nest anywhere that they might throughout this entire home.

Kitchen cabinets, toilet, sinks, bathtub, and walls and floors were trashed by these poopy birds, endangered as they are. They even had a nursery from which I retrieved about twenty, tiny eggs, all white. It's been an interesting cleaning experience.

Crime scenes can go to the birds sometimes; Literally I've learned.

So it goes.
Eddie Evans

Mind, Self, and Society - George Herbert Mead

Here's another note to myself to write about the mind, self, and society as I was influenced by George Herbert Mead.

I know that few readers, if any readers, will care to read what I hope to write here. It does not matter. I write for my own purposes and I find this type of writing enjoyable and therapeutic. Giving clarity to my thoughts helps me get through the day as I watch the World tumble into mad chaos created by mad men and women armed with technologies that have no place on our planet.

I'm sure George would not greatly disagree with what I write.

Eddie Evans

HRC - High Risk Cleaning

I'm making a note to myself here to write about high risk cleaning, also known as HRC.

I will write more about HRC later. For now, I need to get the thought down on paper before it eases off into ether space.

I do little HRC, but I have done some. I have not become sick from cleaning HRC, and I hope that I will not become sick.

Anthrax cleaning is HRC, should anyone come across these thoughts. Hanta Virus cleaning is HRC should anyone come across mouse droppings.

More later.
Eddie Evans
So it goes.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Watch "Curriki" grow!

Curriki came out of Sun Micro and follows the Wikipedia model. It is a nonprofit. The difference is in the content. Curriki is a Wiki for curriculum. Give it time and each subject field will grow and become finely tunned to fit learners everywhere. If you have not seen it, check it out. There's something about free stuff, open source, that gives some hope for the future, damaged as it is.

Spanish sample for little ones.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Setting the Record Straight - Bleach - Sodium hypochlorite

Bleach gets a lot of bad press, especially from those in the business of selling decontamination chemicals.

Well, let me tell you, besides bleaching my pants here-and-there and keeping me in fashion, bleach is a terrific disinfectant. True, it's corrosive, but that's a small price to pay for a rather inexpensive, nearly all-purpose disinfectant.

Just setting the record straight here.

Eddie Evans

Going into the "field" for extended duty -

I expect to go into the field to clean a rather large and biologically hazardous environment. I expect to be away from my keyboard for weeks.

I'm sure my competitors would love for me to kick-off like a big bug. "What the heck, I'm a bio-man I always tell my wife." Besides, I'm 60 with a teen-mind. I've lived much longer than I have left, so I might as well continue to walk on the "razor's edge." I love it -- feel the adrenaline!

I'm off to that leap-of-faith into nature's man-eating turf.

Eddie Evans