Sunday, November 25, 2007

Commercial Television

Commercial television, the more you watch, the less you know.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

What would Jesus buy?

I ask this question as a rhetorical question because Jesus would buy little if anything. Jesus was or is (depending on your story) an anarchist -- stateless. There should be no doubt about this observation. It is written: "Give unto . . . . "
He would not, could not recognize man-made borders, for example.

The logic of Jesus Christ is monumental when you get beyond the evangelical money goons' pitch for bucks; their pitch for power over the State's repressive apparatus, foreign and domestic, proves their lust for State power in the here-and-now, a project Jesus ignored as a revolutionary of boundless proportions.

It is true that if every one on our planet were to act like Jesus, the Earth would be a paradise, for certain. Can you imagine every human being perceiving every other human being as Jesus perceived humanity from the cross? Alas, deviancy is the curse of social process, social control, society.

"But Eddie," my so-called "left-wing" readers will declare, "Jesus is used for social control of the masses to exploit their labor and their minds!" And I must respond that "It need not be so, in all cases." "And never mind, anyway," I declare in my own reservations about their claims. Jesus is about personal control at the very least (Which reminds me to return to my blog-spot on George Herbert Mead.).

I am asking, "Would we starve as confirmed followers of Jesus Christ?". This is an old question that I do not hear discussed or let alone argued today in money-grubbing-evangelical-money-worshiping circles. We need to ask these questions because there is this possibility of starvation without the production of surplus wealth, which real Christians need to be asking and discussing, in my humble opinion. I mean, after all, Global Warming, nuclear warheads proliferating across the planet, HIV, and not to forget greed, avarice, and the rest!

It all comes to this: If we do not produce for exchange value, then what becomes of our market system of production and the reproduction of our capitalist society? I mean, what happens to the way we produce and buy food and shelter? What becomes of the media and our education system without the profit motive for personal gain? In fact, what becomes of the crime scene! Does it vanish when the motives for crime are diminished 99 percent, at least in terms of the "rational" criminal's mind because Jesus' revolutionary message became generalized in human behavior? What would become of terrorism?

I am asking this very fundamental question, "Will humanity starve as followers of Jesus' message?". At the very least, someone out there needs to ask this question in the commercial media at least once! We do not learn the answer in Sunday school, for sure. The possibility of starving by being kind and giving unto to those with less than ourselves is real.

So "What do we know about Jesus's work in terms of political economy?", I am asking. We know that as a carpenter, Jesus produced wealth through his labor. This tells us, at least, that production for use value must be acceptable when we explain the ways of God to mankind. I mean that Jesus was producing for use, at least. We are not told if he was producing for exchange value. We can at least surmise, judging by his comments, that exchange of labor value was not on his agenda. At the very least, again and again I say, "Jesus was pounding nails to give the production of his labor to someone else, not to exchange it for something else."

So we do know that sharing is part of the Jesus message, part of our explanation of the ways of God to mankind. Again, we do not know that exchange values were part of Jesus's message, at least not as a means to personal gain. Use, yes. Profit, who knows?

There is nothing that I can find in the story of Jesus to suggest adding to the greater glory of God through the accumulation of personal wealth, then. There is much to suggest the obverse, which creates a perplexing issue for those of us interested in exploring space, our planet, and ourselves (The last of which Socrates insisted upon at the very least, first and foremost, as the reader will recall.) Consider that without the surplus in wealth held by either the individual, State, or society, where would the surplus time, surplus leisure arise for learning? After all, some of us must be fishermen and sheep herders so that others can be artists and literary critics.

What becomes of this idea of economic and social "progress" when we all follow Jesus faithfully? I mean really follow Jesus!

I am reminded by one so-called follower of Jesus that "Jesus bought salvation for our souls with his life." Well, "Good enough," I think. Now, in terms of more tangible objects, what would Jesus buy, and for whom? Would he buy bombs for George Bush?

So it goes.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaners

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ex-Press Secretary Blames Bush in Leak

Ex-Press Secretary Blames Bush in Leak

I'm not supposed to get excited, so I won't.

We need to know what is going on in the White House. This is about national security. This is about weapons of mass destruction. This is about treason. We need to know and we have a PERFECT RIGHT to know.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaners

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Iran, Iraq, US

Just heard on Ian Masters' show, and I don't know who he was quoting:

"We have an untenable military situation in Iraq.
The Iranians have a positive political situation in Iraq."

What would Socretes say about this?

I know what I say, "A positive political situation abroad is more desirable than a negative military situation abroad."

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaner

The "Drug War" and American Gangster

Crow and Washington are both expert actors and it shows in the movie, American Gangster. So I won't waste my moment of lucidity on their acting pros and cons. Their character's were real because the story develops from genuine, historical fact.

During the Vietnam War, caskets and body bags sheltered deceased US military personnel returned to the US. A fraction of these also transported heroin, via Burma. Washington's character reflected the antics of an entrepreneurial, African American, drug dealer doing business in Harlem. Unlike his competitors, he went straight to Asia to short-cut the multiple middlemen in the heroin's decent into Harlem.

Now I've lost my "lucid moment."

Today we find that there are many heroin drug users, and they are indeed self-medicating. Whether or not they self-medicate for psychological reasons in the beginning of their abuse, or for the thrill factor, or both, is beside the point. Today they are at risk and so are the police and others that must deal with their behavior.

Again I go on record, despite the Marxist and Christian ideological purists, if people insist on self-medicating , so be it. I know that it is not politically correct to say so, but facts are facts. Besides, is not alcohol use for self-medication? For sure, just like heroin!

Heroin abusers will not stop in most instances, at least once fully addicted, like some alcoholics. So why waste precious lives on stopping them? Why not just let them self-medicate, but with psychoactive drugs prescribed by licensed psychiatrists? What's the big deal? So some folks among us will get a weird adrenaline rush throughout their day while others do not? Unlike alcoholics with nauseating life-styles plagued by hangovers, heroin users can be switched to safer, controlled, psychiatrically prescribed drugs so that they can function throughout their day.

And I know about Brave New World. So what? We do live in a new world. Just look at the stupid boob tube! Millions of people are strung-out on idiot, commercial television, which is criminal to my way of thinking.

And the State does play a role in the type of human beings being produced, besides their epistemological frame of reference. Just look at immigration policies that reward young mothers for reproducing once they arrive within US borders. Bingo! The newborn becomes a citizen and a free pass to its less-than-legal mother. So here's an incentive to produce a particular set of chromosomes based upon immigration policies. Never mind the political economy of how and why mom and infant arrive within US borders. They're here.

Needless to say, folks in the less-than-legal set of circumstances are typically poor, poorly educated, and prone to do the stoop-labor our society needs. "Brave new world," I said. These folks are typically hard working, perform the grunt work, profoundly upright in values' terms, and midevil in their cosmological outlook - - not so unlike the Taliban. (Gads, sounds reactionary doesn't it!)

This population of invaders are often Mayan in heritage, genetically speaking. They perform the socially necessary labor that others refuse to do. Their isolation leads to a form of genetic isolation. So in a sense, by the State's acquiescence in their invasion, the propagation of this population's genetic codes grows. Of course, this is true of other ethnic groups, but no group remains isolated socially and genetically the way the invading population remains. (I would "invade" too if I were in their shoes.)

Not to change the subject anymore than I have, I am not referring to "races" here because there is only one human race. I am making a point that the State already manipulates the human genetic code directly and indirectly, like we read in Huxley's Brave New World.
The USA is being invaded by an "Epsilon" population that has an incentive to invade and procreate, figuratively speaking.

Regressing, "no more cop deaths related to drug dealers," I say. "Let's step into the 21st century" wide-eyed and prepared to deal with intentional manipulation of the cerebral cortex, just like in Star Trek. Sobriety has its virtues, and we should pronounce these virtues high-and-wide. We should also be prepared for those among us that choose to test these pronouncements.

Yes, we can put an end to many of the perfect storms created in law enforcement by removing the drug war from the US law enforcement agenda. End the war against people using drugs. I say it again, "If people want to bailout of the hard knocks of life, that's their business." If people want to live on the street while using la-la land, professionally prescribed chemicals, that's their business. At least with prescribed drugs, like methadone, there's some control over their lives, there's some structure to their lives, and there's some way of helping them, if and when they want help.

At least on prescribed drugs, people will be able to function in a lawful, safe environment. And the police will not be motivated to corrupt their own lives, and the police will be safe from American Gangsters dealing drugs, because there won't be any American gangsters dealing drugs.

And last on these matters, for the moment, when the State prescribes drugs to those who choose to medicate their existence, the State will spend a fraction of what it spends on this crazy drug war.

That's how I see it and so it goes.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaner

Friday, November 9, 2007

Yesterday - Observation 2

On the 57 freeway southbound, the 3 right lanes were closed at Imperial Hwy for construction. Several vehicles were used to block these lanes.

Near the actual work, around 8 or so young men wearing their reflecting outfits sat in a section of road cleared of concrete. They were tying rebar, it appeared. I suppose that they were tying it prior to the insertion of concrete.

The amazing fact is that there were no vehicles or barricades of any sort between these workers and the passing traffic. Orange cones stood at the ready to alert the reckless drivers that we see racing in, out, and between everyone else. But that was all. Not so much as a wheelbarrow stood between these young men and mass murder.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Observation 1 - Yesterday evening

I rushed into the men's room at one of those gas station fast-food businesses late last night. A young Latino man entered carrying a large, see-thru, plastic bag from the ladies' room. It was full of those feminine napkins. (Thank you God for not making me wear one of those things!)

How does OSHA fit into this picture, this on-going story nationwide? He had no gloves on, no mask, and placed the contents of that bag into the waste for the men's room. I suppose he dumped the whole mess into the the solid waste dumster out back.

We can't do this sort of thing with blood from a crime, trauma, or unattended death. I would not want to and I would not want anyone else to do so. My thing is to find a way to treat bio-waste on-site to neutralize, to decontaminate it in a universally safe and effective (affective?) way.

I know I've covered this information here before. The napkins are safe unless the blood dries out and can flake, thereby becoming airborne, or if it is moist and can splash or drip or smear into or onto someone's wounds or orifices, like the mouth, eyes, and wounds.

I'm thinking about getting Crime Scene Cleanup Magazine going (again), only for free this time. (An afterthought)

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup