Thursday, September 27, 2007

Crime Scene Cleanup - The Web Site!

I should write more about one of my more popular web sites, crime scene cleanup. It is true, I own the domain as well as the DBA in Orange County, California.

For the longest time I let this site languish. Then, bingo!, I decided to use it in a more progressive manner. "Crime" should be thought about in more general terms, I figure, and that's how I'm going to use my site,

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

First 'Interplanetary Spaceship' Blasts Off


This is not one of my more progressive posts, I know. One must tempt the faiths from time-to-time, I suppose.

The space stuff has always been exciting to me. I prefer that the unmanned ships get the bucks, but they are not as fanciful for folks to think about.
This article is about a genuine interplanetary spaceship destined to cruise two different space bodies, the second around 2015. I don't think I'll get to see the results of this last one, and who knows, maybe few of us will the way it looks nuke-wise.Publish Post

Nukes suck anyway ya cut it!

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Alternative Radio

If you value independent, critical information, visit Alternative Radio.

If you value gas priced at below $3.00 per gallon, you owe it to yourself to find out why Bush wants to attack Iran and what the consequences will be if he does so.

Who will benefit and who will pay the bills?

Isn't it enough that the US Government invaded Iraq without giving a hoot for the stored Iraqi weapons? Isn't it enough that the US cannot account for half of the weapons it issued to Iraq's military and police?

How can anyone believe Bush's propaganda time after time after time?

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Stuck in Traffic? You're Not Alone

Here's an article on traffic congestion and driving time.


To my way of seeing it, if and when Bush attacks Iran, traffic will move quite smoothly and slowly.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Sheriff Coroner

In California the coroner's office is usually referred to as the "Sheriff Coroner" because the county sheriff has the duty of retrieving the deceased, in many cases. The Sheriff is an elected official, so his/her job is performed as a public trust.

The Sheriff coroner's technicians, clerks, and other functionaries keep the gears rolling when death arrives outside of a hospital.

It is the technicians that actually do the lifting-moving of the deceased. These are the personnel tasked with entering a death scene littered with thousands of dead flies and even more thriving flies, often airborne. Maggots, spiders, and other insects thrive in this environment, for a while. Once the technicians do their work, the insect life begins to die off. At times, the deceased has become stuck to the carpet. It is easier to contain, lift, and move the deceased and carpet as one piece of material, at times.

I am usually very pleased with the technicians' work. "How do they do it," I often think when I walk into an advanced, decomposition scene. I may be wearing protective gear, at least a full-face respirator. They have been in and out wearing paper masks, if wearing anything on their faces at all! Sure they probably get used to the odors, if anyone can get over these odors -- I never have. Sure they probably get used to the horrific scene of bloated or mummified human remains -- I never would. My hat is off to them. And fairly consistently they do good work, sometimes beyond the call of duty, it appears.

Rarely do these technicians fail to gather all the bio-waste from a violent death scene. Wounds to the head create special problems, at times. With a head wound, I expect to find hair, pieces of scalp, pieces of teeth, and even pieces of jaw. These pieces are obviously missed because they were projected well beyond the immediate proximity of the deceased. After all, why should the technicians be looking in a closed shower when the suicide took place on a bed some 25 feet away?

Wounds to the abdomen by large caliber handguns may cause the stomach and other vital organs to spill onto the surface of the floor, right next to the deceased. It depends upon the the angle of the projectile; it depends upon the victim's clothing or lack of clothing. Unlike the discrete pieces created by a head wound, the abdomen's contents sort of slide into a bloody mix. Either stomach, spleen, kidney, and liver, some part or whole of this mix pour onto the floor's surface, in many cases.

The technicians remove most of this mix, but for the blood and unknown ooze. On occasion, though, small or even large quantities of this mix sort of slide under a bed or under a night stand beyond sight, beyond reach. After all, this mix is quite fluid, slippery, and moving with some velocity following impact. As physics would have it, this mix is so slippery that it becomes difficult to pick up. For recent wounds, say within 36 hours, removing this slivering mix requires pushing it across the surface of the floor into a dust pan or such. It is too slippery, too amorphous to simply remove as one would a discrete piece of carpet.

This is where I come in, to recover what the coroner's employee's might have missed or simply ignored. After all, sometimes there are heating blanket wires, lamp wires, clock wires, TV wires, radio wires, computer and monitor wires, shoes, socks, pillows, blankets, pictures, bottles, ash trays, and more covering the line-of-sight to the errant, abdominal mix. Perhaps the released material has slid away on a nicely polished stone or linoleum surface. You get the picture?

The coroner's technicians earn their keep, then. Keep in mind that they lift death many times. Sometimes death is heavy; Sometimes death is not so heavy, and sometimes death is stuck to the floor and surrounding walls and ceiling. These technicians earn their stripes the old fashioned way, lifting and moving under fire, so to speak.

I suspect that many coroner's employees make very nice friends. I suspect that they have a defensive attitude about their occupation, "Someone has to do it."

I can find no wrong with the job or the job description.
With all they do, with so little public recognition and all the wealth to be gained in the world, I can easily imagine how a coroner's technician might bend to a bit of bribery from a guy like me. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Voodoo Box for Movies

Here's another tech gadget sure to change our lives, for better or worse.

For better, there's less hassle when it's time to watch movies.

For worse, the couch-potato syndrone will grow.
Worse, civil society will decrease that much more as people have fewer moments left for learning about and doing affective political work.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Cost of the war in Iraq

Tap to see the cost of the war in Iraq.

These figures do not include the care needed by wounded military personnel for the rest of their lives. There are no reparations figures here.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Microsoft Office vs. Google Apps

Microsoft Office vs. Google Apps

<<Hassle-free setup and maintenance

Simply sign up and start managing your Google Apps account from an easy-to-use online control panel. Everything runs from our secure, reliable servers, so there's no software to install, no hardware to purchase and no backups or patches to manage.>>

This is an interesting video. Many folks dislike Microsoft, and there's a move in cyberspace to place applications and such on servers, like Sun Microsystem has pursued.

Imagine using a computer with a monitor and keyboard hooked to a cable, no computer to deal with at home. That's what we could be headed for, and even sooner than later.

The downside, as I see it, is loss of some control.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Mix not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth while you know the truth!

Mix not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth while you know the truth!

I may be duplicating this piece, but it is worth it for a few reasons, at least.

"Mix not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth while you know the truth!" reflects a concept so important to the future. Nukes, biohazards, Bush's "weapons of mass destruction" and now his focus on Iran, these are good reasons to consider this concept. Getting the truth amid corporate news outlets can be nearly impossible. Remember their flag waving and gung-ho approach to reporting the news on Bush's WMDs?

This is political art, propaganda. This propaganda does what propaganda ought to do. It helps to persuade the viewer-listener to consider the primal importance of truth and truth telling. How do I know this? I feel it. It's intuitive. I feel it, I "know it" with the same center-of-knowing as I intuited that George Bush would be trouble for the World when he proclaimed "Jesus Christ" as his "philosopher" during the so-called debates for president in 2002. (Jesus is devine, not a philosopher for anyone that missed this debate - - Bush was obvioiusly out of his league and not the one to represent the strongest nation on Earth, which he seems to prove whenever he opens his mouth!)

More though, the artistry here is so compelling. Notice the use of light and shadows. This black and white scenery adds to the value of the video's message, truth is black and white. For the Palestinians, the truth is that they are agrarian in mind and urban in existence; they are suppressed in a small area of the world and now manipulated beyond all hope, it appears. Truth to them is a matter of survival, as it is to most of us now. The World no longer has time for anything but truth, but truth is what we do not receive from our leaders. These are black and white matters, not gray areas.

I enjoy the fading in-and-out from front to back, back to front. This is a simple, but affective camera technique to help the viewer focus on the producer's concern at the moment, to add motion, change.

Note that these male singers are young, clean, well dressed, and that the building, its floors and columns appear well cleaned. The breeze blowing through the structure lifts the veils ever so lightly, giving the impression of motion, soft and inevitable change. These young men are impressive in their appearance as is the building. The entire scene is, frankly, beautiful, and these are terms that I seldom use, ever.

This arrangement struck me as more interesting when I finally got around to studying film and video production. Serious content needs to be black and white, obviously. And here the motion of the cameras seems to work so well with the motion of the set. Editing this piece must have been a work of love, I would think.

I am really touched by the content, which I cannot interpret (Boy would the laugh be on me!), but it is the title and manner of presentation of this entire piece that assures me their is Truth in this video.

I fear that without Truth, with a big "T," young men in troubled places will invoke their own kind of truth with WMDs for real.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Monday, September 17, 2007

Fox Attacks

Fox Attacks!

House of War: The Pentagon and the Disastrous Rise of American Power

House of War: The Pentagon and the Disastrous Rise of American Power

The Shock Doctrine

<<Her explosive new book exposes the lie that free markets thrive on freedom. In our first exclusive extract, the No Logo author reveals the business of exploiting disaster>>

I just heard the author interviewed and I say that she makes some really good arguments.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Fueling the Iran-Iraq Slaughter

Tap here.

An Odor Theory - Cellulosic Saturation

The death odor, aka miasma,
seems to linger farr too long following the decomposition of organic matter.

In an enclosed building with little ventilation, miasma penetrates cellular materials found in clothing, carpet, carpet padding, composite wood, mattresses.

I often use ozone machines and chemicals to remove or at least alter this distressing odor. When the odor has been present for too long in too much consentration, it is very hard to remove.

I have found that the larger the cellular structure of material, be it organic or inorganic, the greater its saturation wth miasma. Even walls will resist desaturation, depending upon their cellular structure. Cement walls, which typically have tight cellular structure, tend to resist penetration by odors. Inexpensive composite woods tend to have large cellular structure and tend to absorb and hold odors.

In my experience, the following items tend to hold the miasma odor:
Carpet padding
Clothing (organic and inorganic)
Composite wood
- cabinets
- fan blades
- apartment walls


My expeerience is that nature will take its course and the offending odors will dissipate. Few of us have the luxury of waiting for Mother Nature, though.

Villating a room is most important. Next, cleaning and removing the offending matter. Then creating high levels of oxygen with a ozone machine will help. Applying various chemicals will also help. And this is the idea that caused me to write this blurb here, applying various chemicals in a search for the best miasma neutralizer. I have tried bleach, which helps more than most chemicals, but bleach has problems. Bleach stains and it causes corrosion.

Vinegar is a candidate under some circumstances, like non-porous surfaces, but it must be studied further.

I will write more on this subject at a latter date, documenting my findings as they develop.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Greenspan Bashes Bush Over Spending

<<"My biggest frustration remained the president's unwillingness to wield his veto against out-of-control spending," Greenspan wrote. >>

Greenspan's "frustration" is understandable if we consider Bush as a "conservative." But, if we consider him as a right-wing revolutionary, his crazy spending splurge makes sense. Bush has a goal, perhaps, of destroying the US Government's role in social spending. I hope that this line of reasoning is not correct because if it is, the outcomes will be quite sad for the next generation or two or three.

If Bush is just a big dummy, which appears to be the case, and he is the puppet we suspect others of directing, then these magbuck spending days make sense from the perspective of those out to raid the US Treasury, which is going on daily, it appears.

The oil and the power that the control over the World's oil bestows is, in part, behind the Iraq war. The idea that Saddan Hussaine had weapons of mass destruction was pretty well proven faalse long before the US invasion of Iraq. Only the US public was successfully lead to believe in the propaganda manufactured by the White House and dominant media.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Saturday, September 15, 2007

U.S. nuclear team ends survey in NKorea

North Korea's nuclear ambitions may be on the way out as the US and other countries offer aid in return for no-nukes policies.

In this positive course of events, there is a thread of the way it should be, World-wide.

Since my first philosophy class some 35 years ago, I have believed the role of the USA ought to be helping other countries with science, education, medicine, and other non-military fields of endeavor. It is true that my approach does not lead to riches for US corporation, but it does lead to peace and friendship between nations.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Two Soldiers Critical of War Die in Iraq

It could not be any sadder, but I am afraid that it will get a lot worse.

Read HERE.

"As responsible infantrymen and noncommissioned officers with the 82nd Airborne Division soon heading back home, we are skeptical of recent press coverage portraying the conflict as increasingly manageable and feel it has neglected the mounting civil, political and social unrest we see every day," the soldiers wrote.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Crime Scene Cleanup and Kotex

You just never know what you are going to find on a crime scene cleanup. On a recent trip to clean I removed bloody Kotex from the scene. Used Kotex, by the way, are the one object that causes me to gag.

So what do I do with these things? Do I toss them in my black bag, toss them in my black bag for red bag disposal as biowaste, or do I throw them in the trash can to be picked up on trash day with tons of other bloody
feminine hygiene napkins?

So, I took the middle path. I placed them in a black bag as solid waste disposal and that way saved myself biowaste fees while remaining within socially acceptable feminine hygiene disposal practices.

Last, today is trash pickup day on my street. The sociologist inside me guesses that if we have 100 females on our street capable of menstruating, then we may have roughly 20 actually doing so. Of these 20, some 5 feminine hygiene napkins will be in the trash today for each female. This means that on my street alone, the trash truck will recover 100 feminine hygiene napkins.

By any crime scene cleanup measure, my street will produce a greater quantity of bloody objects than many multiple homicide scenes will produce.

Now that is something to think about!

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Why I like Truth and Ralph Nader

I like plain, simple Truth. I like Ralph Nader because he speaks plain, simple truth.

This guy is like the son every parent wishes they had raised, but for his disregard of worldly goods and services, his disregard of power, fame, and fortune, and his willful disregard of our government's PR campaigns.

Ralph's comments on the upcoming, presidential election are just so right on!

Get these two comments:

1. Create a law that requires government representatives to draft their own children into any war that they vote "yes" upon.

2. Create a law requiring congress to ensure the same medical coverage for the entire US Population as they receive.

Simple isn't it. No bull. Just truth to power.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

General Petraeus and Vietnam's Westmoreland

I was standing at attention as the great General Westmoreland stood in front of me, viewing my ectomorphic physic wrapped in my new jungle fatigues. I held my used M-16 fast-and-steady with both arms taunt, should the great general care to examine its elegance. (It may have been an M-15 at that time; I forget. It was like a "Matell" toy, we used to say.)

Little did the good general know that I had just minutes before suffered gastronomically in an outhouse for officers just yards away. With only two weeks in-country living on C-rations, I was becoming acclimated to the food, land, culture, and war. I would stand at attention no matter how powerful my gas attacks. I would suffer beyond pain while containing flatulence and cramps, "taking the pain" so as not to dishonor myself or those near me. (Yes, this is fact, not fiction.)

Westmoreland, if you were unaware, was God to 18 year-old infantry soldiers. And I, a private who had just violated my combat hardened infantry officers' poddy, would not further degrade myself, my parents, or my country! I stood ready to follow every order from this great man and his subordinates.

It happened that Westmoreland's words to the US Congress at this time (1965) and some years later were like the words of God, too. What Westmoreland said was the nature of the Vietnam war beast as far as the US population was concerned. It turned out that his words had about as much value as the crap I humbly deposited in the command officers' outhouse.

There was very little
critical thinking at this time of history, sort of like today in the US Congress and White House, sort of like the sinking of the Maine in the Cuban harbor. As time passed and infantry life in Vietnam pressed my 5'11 1/2 " frame into a 135 pound fighting mass of nervous disorders, I found myself questioning arson in a new light. "Wasn't it wrong to burn someone's home, and isn't even more wrong to burn an entire village?" I asked my less-than-critical, 18 year-old, working-class mind. "Yep," it's wrong, I surmised, and then I vowed to live with this contradiction as if I had no part in its doing, though I would have dutifully destroyed any force interfering with our village-large-arson attacks. Vietnamese peasants were being taught lessons by the great, white general, and I, a private, had no standing to question his greatness, by God!

Now, fast forward to General Petreus yesterday as he basically reiterated the White House line on Iraq, 2007. Note what he did not comment on, too. Note that Petreus failed to comment on Iraqi casualties in any meaningful manner;

Note that Petreus failed to comment on Iraqi hospitals, water supplies, food supplies, and general welfare in any meaningful manner;

Note that Petreus failed to inform the US population that the terms "freedom fighters" were synonymous with last year's "insurgents"
in any meaningful manner;

Note that Petreus failed to comment on the US weapons that made their way into the hands of Iraqis following the US invasion of Iraq, and he did not even bother to tell us where half of the weapons went that we gave to the Iraqi Army and police!

What I mean is that life is intolerable in Iraq for the general population and no one wants to bring this fact to light in any meaningful manner. The folks now fighting on the same side as the US were on the other side of the street last year. They fight the fundamentalist fanatics dedicated on returning all of Iraq to the middle ages.

Later, these same "freedom fighters," war lord troops, will again turn their weapons upon their fellow countrymen. I'm sure you will forget these words as my predictions turn out true. Most people forget when it is inconvenient to remember.

General Petraeus, like Westmoreland, is doing PR work for our government's monumental crime against the people of Iraq.
Did Petraeus mention reperations for Iraq, by the way? I don't think he did so any more than Westmoreland did for Vietnam.

Last, if you were not aware, and this is important for all to know, Ho Chi Mein
was a nationalist leader. I was a so-so soldier. I never met Ho Chi Mein, but I did encounter some of his volunteer supporters. That's the way it is.

A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam (Paperback) if you too want to feel "peturbed." Read it to your children 3 times, and out loud!
Eddie Evans

Crime Scene Cleanup

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Downing Street Memo

The Downing Street Memo gives truth to the fact that George Bush planned the attack on Iraq without just cause.

I have had the above on my mind for the last week after seeing a piece of news featuring a young, US Marine injured by a road-side bomb. He will not be reading or hearing the Downing Street Memo because he lost his sight in both eyes and hearing in both ears. Kind of like "Johnny Got his Gun," but in this Marine's case, he has his limbs, filled with shrapnel as they are.

Perhaps George Bush should read the Downing Street Memo, if he can read.

Eddie Evans