Sunday, July 8, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth - Al Gore

I just watched Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. It's an authentic effort and not the screaming "liberalism" the right-wing critic crowd claims about this film.

And to qualify my position on Gore and the democrats, I am not a democrat or republican.
I am in favor of leaving this planet in better shape than I found it, and it looks like I am going to fail. So Al's efforts at educating the World's population are well received by this critic. We should note, too, that there are many other things this millionaire, ruling-elite, Vietnam Veteran could do with his time.

To the point, I do not see anything manipulative in Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. This is an Ethical production with a big "E," not a for-profit or political production. He is an environmentalist, a shallow environmentalist, but just the same, concerned with a whole lot more than belly-button politics or a place in history.

Al notes his introduction to the subject of increased CO2 in his college years during the 1950's. He shows video of his professor, a cutting-edge researcher on the increase of CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere. Al then notes various environmental events. There is no dogma here, only figures and graphs, besides pictures. Basically, Al presents an argument from beginning, to middle, to ending with scientific method as his source of validity: observation and replication of findings under the same or similar conditions that anyone else can duplicate.

Population, technology, and inappropriate use of resources lead to Global Warming, according to Al. Al points out the US's lop-sided use of resources while noting that, ironically, the US is one of two "advanced" nations on Earth (Australia being the other), which continues to deny Global Warming's consequences for the future.

If I were to point to a "liberal" bias in Al's production, it is in his failure to point to capitalism's part in Global Warming, the necessity to grow-or-die. He leaves capitalism untouched as a source of greed and manipulation of the sources of production, consumption, and information, although he does point out that the dominant media are in the business of manipulating information. Al knows all to well about the Tobacco industry's lies and manipulation from personal experience. So it is not a big leap for Al to understand the same manipulation of the public and similar propaganda put forth by other growth maniacs.

Of course, Al points to the inherent mechanisms of capitalism to revolutionize technology. Solar, wind, and conservation are among his solutions for the Earth's fever, which can be eased through economic means and individual efforts.

I say "good" for Al Gore and his willingness to point out the destruction of Earth's many habitats as we play our part in destroying future generations' prospects for survival. Good for Al to point out the greater likelihood of nuclear war because of Global Warming.
He did come up short on the micro-biological consequences of Global Warming, but then, getting folks to follow and understand the big picture while connecting the dots is enough of a challenge.

My last comments on this for now: We need to keep in mind that our culture is basically anti-intellectual. Al Gore's presentation of himself over the decades has been a bit too intellectual for the general public. If Al played football or drove a race car, his words would carry more influence with Joe Six-Pack.

Good for you Al Gore. Now quite the DemoPublicans and you'll really rank high with me.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

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