Monday, June 11, 2007

Death Odor - Miasma

I'll be the first to admit that I do not know much about odor or how we perceive life's various gases. I know that the death odor which so many of us fear is called "miasma." Folks ask me to eliminate this odor from their home as fast as I can, and I usually succeed with the help of "professional" tools and chemicals. Some times, though, this odor has permeated fiber board, padding, jewelry boxes, and everything else!

Some people think this odor carries disease -- It does not.

This odor tends to upset just about everyone, except for the coroner's employees and morticians. Many of these folks simply wear paper masks (and clothes) while removing human remains and doing their other duties. Cleaners often enter the scene as if they are on a combat mission in a biologically contaminated battlefield. "Each to his own," I always say. Besides, the battlefield garb looks good for customers and insurance adjusters who also believe in the miasma theory of disease and more.

Getting back to my subject, the death odor will disappear on its own given time. Nature cleans its own; count on it. The issue is, how much time do folks want to give the odor to stop off-gassing?

Eddie Evans

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