Monday, March 23, 2009

Suicide by shotgun

There are many ways to commit suicide, and none of them are honorable. I would think that a person committing suicide would do their utmost to save the survivors from the terrible sight of a mangled body, but it is not always so.

Here I'm cleaning another shotgun suicide. The victim wiped out his life by removing his head, two barrels to the throat -- big, ugly mess. What was he thinking? Did he think that those finding him have no feelings?

What about the cops? What about the para-medics and coroner's technicians, besides his family?

It seems that the American way of suicide for many men conspicuously points to the male's ego as a very large place; their minds are conspicuously narrow, shallow places.

Now the word is beginning to go around that the future of the US looks something like "Latvia if you want to see America's future." So what does this mean for my line of work. More work, more money, more horror stories and scenes. It's obvious to me that something is wrong with the American psyche.

Obama was on Sixty Minutes last night. i wonder how long he's going to remain in the public eye, considering that he's going to fail at most of what he attempts. There's no way around it. It's too much, and he's got so little time, so little to change history's onward movement. How will he handle his own mental health?

Obama has plenty of good support. The White House looks so holesome (swings in the yard, a garden, and the great great great grandchildren of the blacks that built it); he looks so under control and intelligent. Obama's intellect is so great and a great thing to hear and see. He'll hold up. His ego is the right ego at the time and place it's landed. The US could not have done better for the circumstances, any circumstances. He's more than ready, more than we should or could expect. I think the man is up to it all, even if I don't agree with him. Sorry Obama, you are not going to save capitalism from itself.

These suicide victims could save everyone a lot of trouble by making Obama their role model. I like the way that Obama referred to reading last night, over and over. I like the way that Obama referred to "so much information to digest." He's the "digester, the intellect." Before people commit suicide, they need to consider what they are leaving behind. They need to look to people that struggle with issues much larger than their own problems.

I'm just rambling again -- got up too early.

eddie evans
crime scene cleanup

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Do you collect all the pieces of brain and give to the next of kin, or does it just get cleaned like the blood?