Friday, March 13, 2009

"Scientists Warn of 'Irreversible' Changes" -- The Misery of Miseries to Come

They're still saying stuff about the end of life as we know it because of the way we live our lives.

I used to worry a lot about this stuff, but I was younger then. I could stand in front of a crowd and rant about the changes to come.

In those days I did not bring up Global Warming much, though. I talked about that "mystery of mysteries," Mother Earth's many species and their habitats. I talked about the loss of a species being a great loss to all on Earth and all to come. I talked about the destruction of habitat as a terrible crime against humanity as well as a crime against nature.

We were sodomizing our planet for a few more dollars.
Now it is more acceptable to talk about sodomizing our planet and Global Warming. In the 1970s when I first read about Global Warming in Scientific American, I thought, "It makes sense to me." I thought that Scientific American was beginning to think the way that I had thought since I was a little boy.

I recall (again) my childhood theory on "The Limits to Cemetery Growth." I had my own version of the Malthusian prediction. It was exponential because more-and-more people would mean more and more people in that tiny cemetery on the corner of Foster Road and Lakewood Boulevard. This, to my four-year-old mind, was of monumental concern.

Now I don't care what the Mormons, Catholics, Marxista, and Octomom says about Malthus. Who cares if he was a "barking dog" for the ruling class? He was right! And then there was Marx's theories on surplus value and its pathological distribution, which owed much to Malthus' exponential population growth theory. Like it or not, Marx was right too when it comes to the nasty nature of capitalism and its consumption of nature, humanity, and ideas. The exponential growth of capital gave us exponential growth and destruction in heretofore proportions unknown to humanity; most of humanity is still in the dark when it comes to what's coming.

And then there was the Darwinian theory, which owed so much to Malthus's theory on exponential population growth (besides Charles Lyll's
So both Marx and Darwin used their own versions of Malthus's theory of exponential growth, their own "Limits to Cemetery Growth."

Darwin's theories carry the most weight in terms of the future to come. It is Darwin that talked about life with or without humanity. The "mystery of mysteries" now becomes the misery of miseries for humanity. Now there is no turning back and Darwin's theories will no longer apply, in many parts, because climatic changes are occurring much faster then species can adapt.

We are looking at catastrophic changes for future generations, and multiple, catastrophic changes for generations to come, and multiple gashing of teeth, and multiple pestilences, and multiple miseries of miseries.

It boggles my mind to see young women and men persist in the procreation of our future environmental victims, multiple crime scene victims upon this planet. We are victimizing humanity because of our simple stupidity, our greed, and our lust for more. We are criminals and there is no way to cleanup our crime; yet, we continue to add victims to our ailing Mother Earth, a mother multiply sodomized by her wicked little human children (and that's all the credit Freud gets.)

I'm going to stop this whining and talk about solutions, real lasting solutions to problems that will persist for centuries. I will make these ideas available to President Obama, right here on my crime scene cleanup blog.

eddie evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

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