Sunday, March 22, 2009

Economic Notes

Rich don't make profits, they make capital gains - no tax.
Too big to fail.
Small business too small to succeed.
Banks and Wall Street too big to fail.
Financial sector given mucho money to lawmakers writing the laws.
Our representatives are responding to campaign contributors, not citizens, the represented.
Little guy - 1000:1 big guy
Monopoly capital moves problem out of picture.
Trash for cash.
Reviving main street by giving money to creditors is crazy.
They are giving money to financial parasite, capital, while Mainstreet withers.
Bailout plan outright thievery with complicity of congress.
Congress privatized by financial sector not industrial sector.
If corporations are worth twenty-two cents on the dollar, then so be it.
Corporate Capital: A free market is a disaster if it does not give money to the financial
Poor and middle-class are eating it.
Republicans will continue scenario with different populist slogans to gain popular support.
Neo-liberal plan to pull down Europe
Europe following the Russian path -- dressed rehearsal for what's coming to the US. Look at Latvia if you want to see America's future
Dr. Michale Hudson - Institute for the Study of Long Term Economic Trends

Eddie Evans
crime scene cleanup

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