Sunday, February 1, 2009

More on the depression -

Now we're watching demopublicans trying to get out of this mess they and we are in. I predicted this situation years ago as others of my ilk did the same. It was obvious that capitalism goes boom and bust. None of this is new.

It's interesting watching the republicans pray for Obama's failure. I can understand this after watching the shameful, greedy, stupid Bush actions. Obama's like a naive kid that wants everyone to get along, "Can't we all just get along." Now he's going to become jaded.

Obama shows his emotions to the close observer. He's a sensitive man. He's too kind to be in office. He had a about-to-cry emotion on his face when he referred to the Wall Street ruling class CEOs getting their bonuses. "Shameful" elicited the emotion.

Obama comes from a place in the World where his social circle actually gave more than they received, gave kindly to all they could. He's too much of a cup cake for office. The Republican dung cakes will blame all failure upon him; the failures are inherent to capitalisms crush of all before it. Obama will be one of the crushed if the Republican dung cakes have their way.

How anyone can call theirself "republican" is beyond me. They have no shame. There is no individualism, no responibility, no accountability in their politics. The democrats are looking like they are a step above the republicans, but this is a small, meaningless step. It's Obama that brings a sense of stability, a sense of honesty and accountability to Washington DC's corrup doings.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup School

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