Sunday, January 25, 2009


Obama's pragmatism and intelligence seem to refresh everything US, with a few exceptions that I won't dwell on here.

I enjoy seeing someone with color in the White House. It is interesting to see his family in the White House. They seem to give the White House a vitality that's been missing for a long time. It has become alive, at least in my mind.

I am no longer ashamed of the US's president. I feel better about being a US American.

As far as the depression goes, I don't see how Obama can really make a big difference, but maybe he can. I don't know it all, although I did call this one as well as attacks on the US.

What I like more than anything about Obama is that he understands the necessity of moving toward renewable energy and the serious consequences of not doing so. To think that the US population sat on its hands for 8 long years is beyond my imagination, but now something is moving, something is happening. To my mind, Carter was late, but at least he was moving, doing something. Then came Raygun and the movement died. Now it's back.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

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