Monday, March 3, 2008

Crime Scene Cleanup, Fire, Peer Pressure

Find the death location on a burnt homicide scene and the finding completes the work in many cases. I look back and find it hard to recall a burnt homicide scene with much left to clean.

In this horrific homicide by students playing death on a Saturday night outing, peer pressure comes to the power position in terms of social control. Imagine killing your parents and siblings with the one you love and trusted friends. This is the power of peer pressure and nothing less. Imagine these youngsters in a classroom and then you will begin to get an idea of what teachers deal with across this mighty land of ours.

This is the stuff that causes soldiers to walk through dense rain forest in the middle of moonless nights searching for an "enemy" and finding death. This is the stuff that causes soldiers to charge machine guns in the name of honor and glory, but in reality the strongest emotional bond ever, peer pressure, pushes and pulls the young soldiers and marines to an early grave.

When it comes to global warming, lies, cheating, and the destruction of the commons for future generations, look to peer pressure as well as greed generated by hyper-capitalism grown to cancerous proportions.

Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup

1 comment:

Brian said...

Anyone interested in starting a trauma / crime scene cleaning Co.
should email for a detailed step by step guide and continued support for this industry. contact for pricing info.