Friday, February 22, 2008

McCain's playing games.

Logic like this in the classroom goes unchallenged by teachers because it causes embarrassment for the naive student.

<Sen. John McCain said Friday that while lobbyists serve as close advisers to his presidential campaign, they are honorable and he is not influenced by corruption in the system.>>

It's hard to believe that McCain actually believes what he is saying. Can a grown man be so naive? Well, yes, he can. McCain like most of our other college educated leaders voted to bomb Iraq non-existent WMDs. Who do thy represent, anyway, the corporate lobbyists? Of course they do. And it is the corporate oil lobbyists with a vested interest in Iraq as well as Iran.

McCain calls Obama "naive" because Obama muttered something about bombing Afghanistan. "Naive," McCain called Obama. Well, it's McCain that raps "Bomb, bomb . . . bomb Iran"!

It's all madness, absolute madness. Is it any wonder that people write stories like No Country for Old Men.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaners

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