Thursday, January 3, 2008

Re-visiting the traffic scene --

I know this is not a popular idea among many people, but I must say it again and again: I have to admire the California Highway Patrol as well as other state police agencies.

They really do risk their lives policing the crazies among us on the highway at the risk of their own lives almost constantly, daily. These people are by far a select and elite group. Granted, there have been times when a few diminished the glaring luster of the many, but their ranks are by far over-flowing with special concerns for people in general. I see it in their work, their methods, their personal risk taking. I feel sorry for those lost in the line of duty.

I am tired now. I needed to get this idea going and will return when I have more time. Frankly, I hate our most popular mode of transportation. I will say too that our highway system has too many potholes. I will say too that our highway system is so well engineered that it is the reason more people are not maned and killed daily.

I just feel good about what I see in our policing agencies on the highway and I feel good about our highway system in general.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaners

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