Guns do not forgive. Sometimes I regret being in this business because of the stupidity of people and their stupid handguns. I cleaned a death scene for just such people this week.
Often enough, let any drunk or fool or combination of the two around a gun and there is sure to be trouble. I stopped counting the number of "accidental" deaths by handguns that I have cleaned. I stopped counting these deaths very early into this occupation.
Two young men drinking to celebrate the older man's 21st birthday: BOOM! The handgun went off as the two played games with it. The apartment was littered with beer and champagne bottles. Otherwise, it was well kept considering that a young bachelor lived in it. Now he's in jail and going away for a long time. His life will become rigidly structured by the state as a result. What a waste.
I figured that I would write on this subject sooner-or-later, and it has come to pass because of a wasted life that I happened to cross paths with in the last week. The NRA types will argue that there is a "God given right" to have these weapons. I disagree, but the genie is out of the bottle and there's no putting it back. Can anyone imagine the nightmare of trying to police these things out of existence in the US, the home of the Six Gun Mystique?
The only "God given right" to handguns is in choosing the perfect right to live free of them.
Eddie Evans
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