Sunday, September 20, 2009
Links at Crime Scene Cleanup
Imagine people so low that they manipulate survivors of violent crime and death scenes. Imagine that these people live in the USA.
Imagine that they call themselves, "christians."
It's incredible.
Well, I'm picking up insurance work because they go to far. What pukes they are!
eddie evans
Hate Groups, Cronyism, Fascism in the USA
Cronyism grows in local governments as well as our nation's capital.
Fascism took the minds of right-wing radio and TV announces to new lows.
Fact-free rant radio dominates publicly owned air waves.
I'm now 62 years old an not in good health, which I owe to my poor eating and poor exercise habits, for sure. I have no one else to blame.
I do wish I were younger because of this hard-right turn to fascism. It is not only fighting fascism, it is educating about its growth among our ranks. Even the evangelicals go for fascism without the slightest hint of what they are getting involved in.
What is fascism? For me, fascism means an imposition of capital, which is exactly what we've have been watching. From local cronyism to bank bailouts, it's here.
Never mind the right-wing complaining about bank bailouts, because they would have screamed to bailout the rich if Obama had not.
Which reminds, me, these right-wing threats from the right-wingers must be taken seriously. These guys cannot stand the idea of a black, liberal democrat in the White House. Oddly, he's not that liberal.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Graves Dug Up to Resell Plots, Cops Say
It happens that grave re-cycling is real and I believe that it is going on nation-wide, and probably world-wide in monotheist nations.
Now for the real popper. Can you imagine what's been going on and is going on with the mausoleums around the world? As soon as the deceased no longer has any possible relations whatsoever, it's time to recycle that piece of concrete cube, which isn't even concrete in many cases. It's an expensive facade.
In many cases there or caskets of fiberglass "pods" setting on racks, like cheap book shelves. To the outside observer, a mausoleum's facade looks like it is granite thick, but once indoors, many of these dwellings for the deceased are no different than a small storage ware house, rack-upon-rack. Each with an outside monument indicating the deceased very own spot for eternity or the great apocalyptic destruction of life as we know it and hellfire for you chicken-shit crime scene cleanup cronies.
That's about all I have to say on the subject of graves for today -- thank you!
Eddie Evans
Ed Evans
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Why I clean crime scenes.
Why I clean crime scenes.
I am a professional cleaner, which means that I earn my living by cleaning crime and trauma scenes - - "niche cleaning." In this field of bio-hazard recovery, I clean after the traumatic loss of human blood, and I do it for money, lots of money when I can get it.
There are other reasons that I clean bloody scenes, less material reasons; for certain, i enjoy being my own boss and making almost all the meaningful decisions in my life. There's much more to this 24/7/365 middle-of-the-night marathon deep cleaning amidst blood, gore, filth, and stink.
This type of trauma cleaning challenges my imagination at times, and at times my Will to move forward. I often ask myself, "Where do I begin and how should I move forward?" as I remove bloody debris. "Can this be cleaned?"
It is best to first make some sense out of the violent act that lead to the crime scene's distortion of the "normal." This way I can map out where I know that I need to clean. I can then anticipate the breadth and depth of blood and other human effluents to be cleaned. I know too that in the last hours of cleaning, I will find debris previously missed and out of the scope of my initial survey of the debris field. It is not that I "miss" any blood or such, but that cleaning means to clean and re-clean, and to revisit the scene from different perspectives and with "new eyes" after taking some time out for a personal debriefing.
This process helps me to recognize and clean blood contaminated furnishings, mattresses, walls, clothing, fans, books, electronics, windows, headboards, baseborards and . . . toys. Knowing the whereabouts and movement of the perpetrator and victim(s) helps to at least limit the scope of cleaning, usually. Sometimes a crime scene becomes the scene for multiple deaths. Perhaps pets became targets. Once wounded, they too may have ran for their lives as their remaining life's blood pulsated onton their once friendly home's floor and furnishings.
I initially wear organic filters on my respirator to protect myself from the unseen, the unknown, and the horrendous odors related to crime and trauma scenes. Once the majority of blood and other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) are disinfected, flushed, or "red bagged," I can take my respirator off and clean a little faster, but cautiously. This is the stage of cleaning where I transition from "tier three" cleaning to "tier two."
At tier two, the physical hazards should be gone, ninety-percent of the blood should be gone, and the scene should be safe to invite others to view the scene. Still, one never knows about "sharps" like syringes, knives, razors, rebar, broken glass, skull fragments and pieces of broken bone ("shrapnel") embedded in walls, ceilings, floors, and furniture. They may still be present in the beginning stages of "tier two" cleaning, "high tier two."
By "tier one," my job is nearly done. The scene will soon be safe for Molly Maid-like cleaning, safe for family members to begin cleaning, and safe for restoration contractors to restore what the violence destroyed and I destroyed.
Carpet, floors, ceramic tile, linoleum, drapes, furniture, bedding, and more may need to be replaced. What I destroy must be destroyed. No one else should ever witness the offending object's defiled state, ever. This is why I clean, besides the money. I really do clean to help save others from experiencing the horrendous, the unimaginable violence and distortion of a crime and trauma scene.
When done cleaning, I gain a genuine sense of accomplishment. I know that I have returned a scene to something more "normal." I have relived others from this task because of my skills, abilities, knowledge, and my Will to overcome the horrific.
I know from experience that there is more to crime scene cleaning than money. The naive and unsuspecting, the inexperienced and sensitive may suffer from exposure to a crime and trauma scene.
I can help ease their pain by helping to restore the scene to a more biologically balanced environment. Besides helping others, I too benefit it seems. It is odd how life has its rewards in the least desirable places.
I hope these ideas have shed some insight into what I do, why I do it, and why others may not want to try cleaning crime and trauma scenes.
Ed Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The Political Economy of Crime Scene Cleanup
Crime Scene Cleanup with Insurance
Many if not most of the crime scene cleanup jobs with home owner's insurance go to the crony companies because they control the sources of distribution of work. That is, they are in with the coroner's employees, medical examiner's employees, county administrator's employees, homicide detectives, and others. This is not the majority or even a small majority of the aforementioned government employees, but a very tiny percentage. How could it be otherwise? They are not about to share the golden egg with their employee peers.
These jobs represent the most lucrative jobs, and many can be done by one cleaner in two or three hours and the company invoices reflect $6,000, $8,000 and even $30,000 charges.
Crime Scene Cleanup without Insurance
These are the "crumbs" of the crime scene cleanup business. These jobs come from apartment complexes, small businesses, a few non-profit businesses, police departments, and others.
They have no insurance and pay in the hundreds, not the thousands, for the same type of work.
That's about all I have to say on the political economy of crime scene cleanup today.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup Cronyism
Muslim Suicides
I have neglected to research and write about Muslim suicides in the name of Allah. I mean, I did not neglect anything in the name of "Allah." I'm saying that young people commit suicide in the name of Allah, the great and perfect one.
A fundamentalist Muslim has a belief in the Jihad's existence for the last 1,400 years and that dying a martyr is a direct route to heaven. It seems that this ideology is progressing world-wide and has done so in the past, receded, and then progressed again.
It is my opinion that our great and wonderful former president. Bush, gave great cause to join the Jihad throughout the Muslim world. It appears that what President Bush did for the "ownership society" he has done for the war on terrorism by single-handedly recruiting more martyrs then the terrorists have bombs for.
Now, the Koran prohibits suicide, I am told. I have not read it and I don't want to read it and I don't have time to read it if I did want to read it. Anyway, why are all these young Muslim's committing suicide when the very exact, perfect words of Allah prohibit suicide?
It seems suicide is not "suicide" when committed in the name of Jihad, So I see that it is a matter of tricky semantics that are used to send young people to an early grave for their ruling class holy men.
Boy, and to think how these guys must feel and think about modernism!
Eddie Evans
Evans Enterprises
Jesse Ventura on The Drug War and Good Sense
We can't keep drugs out of prisons. So, what's this drug war all about?
Hemp is a natural resource and was used to write the 'American Declaration of Independence" upon.
He does not see any sense in aiding foreign governments with "aid" when the USA is stone broke and people are losing their homes.
Castro on Kenned Assassination
Castro told Jesse that the assassination of Kennedy was an "inside job."
He says that people do stupid things and that we need to stop passing laws against doing stupid things.
Abortion: Religion's failure to persuade so now they want to legislate.
We are in a country now that we are in a country that thinks it's OK to torture people.
More than fifty-percent of the people say that it is OK to torture. "I've been water-boarded and it's not fun" It's drowning. "What would Jesus say about torture."
Truth Democrats on Torture
Democratic Party: When both parties are involved and say that "It's time to move on" means that both parties were or are involved, and this is why we are not finding out the truth.
Abu Ghraig
Abu Ghraib pictures should be released for all to see. "I will volunteer to see these picture" to judge if they are safe for the American tax payers (The guys paying the bills) to see.
Leaving the US Navy Seals he was quite athletic, so while attending junior college he enjoyed theater. He found that his interest in theater would go very well with wrestling.
We saw socialism and capitalism fail in Russia and now we are seeing capitalism fail in the USA. It will have to be "a mix."
In China and Cuba there's full blown capitalism below. Cuba uses US dollars.
It has to be some sort of mix.
"The First Amendment is there to protect popular speech, it's there to protect unpopular speech.
While in Los Angeles, Jesse was the "sergeant of arms" of the Mongol's motorcycle gang.
Jesse Ventura is sooo coool
eddie evans
crime scene cleanup
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Post Modernism
Postmodernism - In the postmodern a cultural wasteland arises in consciousness as capital commodifies human thought and action. As a result of corporate capitalism's drive to seek profits wherever possible by injecting itself into human consciousness with its control of cultural definitions of the "real" and desirable, society's ideological posture reflects corporate control of publically owned media. It (corporate capitalism) seeks to create fear of stigmatization and isolation of one's self; it seeks to create artificial needs. Corporate capital now succeeds at convincing humanity that humanity is separate from, not part of nature. The consumer replaces the citizen as a political subject.
Much of industrialized humanity now persues consumer life-styles.
Much of industrialized humanity romanticizes male ideals above a reverence for life.
Much of industrialized humanity has a great interest in the "real," but a pornographic understanding of the visible.
Much of humanity experiences alienation, resentment, and a detachment from others as "reality," reflecting an existence directed by conspicuous consumption and relationships definded by commercial values.
Post-modernism reflected in literature tends to create characters with individual perspectives, transcending the modernist "stream of consciousness" as found in James Joyce; now characters may individually interpret one another's "meaning," accurately or not. The question becomes, as in contemporary life, which perspective mirrors nature as we might find in Shakespeare? See Tony Morrison's Sula for an excellent post-modern novel. More importantly, which system of beliefs mirrors actually existing nature, human and nonhuman?
See George Herbert Mead's Philosophy of the Act, as well as his Mind, Self, and Society for a dialectial, evolutionary discription of the postmodern, American Pragmatism's narrative on the relativity of the self.
Eddie Evans
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Hepatitis B Information for the Crime Scene Cleaner
Here's another good reason to keep your distance from blood and OPIM. This sucker likes the open air on hard surfaces, transmits by needle or sharps stick easily enough, and can be found wherever drug abuse occurs (our work place often enough) as well as hospitals.
Hepatitis B's infection rate in the USA is about 0.5 percent of the population.
It is primarily transmitted by blood injected from needle stick and sharps. Drug abuse accounts for many cases of this viral disease because of needle sharing.
Instances of mother to child infection during pregnancy occur.
It is also a sexually transmitted disease and annal intercourse proves it to pass about 1:, 3 females for every male. Among male homosexual annal (sodimizers?) appears to equal between receiver and penetrator.
The virus has shown "stability" for seven days on flat, non-porous surfaces in enclosed environmental surfaces, which gives it a potential for "indirect inoculation of HBV" and can "occur by inanimate object inoculation."
It seems clear to me that keeping one's hands in sight at all times, working slowly and deliberately, and avoiding sharps is an important part of cleaning biohazardous environments because of hepatitis B, HBV.
I will continue to fog and/or ozone first, ask questions later, and then spray my way to the scene.
Source: Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, 2008, page 286.
eddie evans
crime scene cleanup
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Death Odor
Death Odor - Miasma
The death odor, which I call "miasma," is not dangerous. Unethical cleaning companies will tell you that this odor is "dangerous." If it were dangerous, coroners' technicians, morticians, pathologists, and Pharos' priests would have died shortly after taking up their trades. The dangers from the death scene odor are in the human imagination; even our repulsion to this odor is learned. There is nothing instinctual about our sense of dread as it relates to the death scene odor. (See new car smell)
Like any other odor, miasma consists of evaporating gas molecules light enough to be carried to our noses. Once inside the nose, sensory cells convert these chemical molecules into electrical signals. These electrical signals are then sent to the brain for interpretation. Mix more than one chemical molecule, and interpretation of the "stink" becomes difficult.
Saying that miasma is "dangerous" because of some sort of bloodborne pathogen hazard is like saying that the cherry fragrance from methamphetamine will intoxicate those exposed to benzaldehyde. It is not so. (return)
There are people that actually enjoy the sweet-like fragrance of decomposed matter, I have heard.
Sometimes miasma lingers because of poor ventilation, Sometimes miasma will linger because it has permeated porous materials; fabrics, paper, wood, and more. Miasma, like everything else in nature, will leave the scene. It begins and ends.
I have cleaned murder-suicide scenes left for over one year. As a result of this extended time for biowaste decay, no miasma remained. The miasma creating bacteria died and wasted away . They starved. Interestingly, blood-soaked garments became pink or purple where they had been first blood-red, then brown, then black. Even blood on walls, ceilings, floors, mirrors, and the rest turns pink or purple without leaving an odor, miasma.
I do my best to remove miasma associated with death scenes. However, removing the source material will not always return the scene to its pre-incident condition for some time. Time and heavy ventilation, and removal of miasma permeated materials will help return the scene to a more "normal" condition.
We can apply chemicals to help increase miasma's departure from the scene, but even chemicals have their limits. Ask about our odor control policies and methods if this is a concern.Top
Bloodborne Pathogens means germs carried in blood that cause suffering. Some of these germs are called "bacteria" and some are called "viruses." These germs can cause diseases in humans. These germs include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). A simple exposure to these germs and others may be dangerous or deadly.
Many viruses are pathogenic, but none cause miasma. Because viruses lack cell walls that bacteria develop, viruses cannot create odors. Viruses cannot receive and export oxygen and carbon dioxide. They do not "off-gas" the way that germs with cells off-gas. Viruses live directly off their hosts.
Bacteria can live for some time without a host because they store energy within their cell walls. They have their own internal digesting organs. Bacteria can change energy into different forms from within. Sometimes this energy becomes a gas. When expelled, we call it "stink" and at times following a death we call it "miasma." Methane is off-gassed and has no odor.
Even so, we all know that bacteria's off-gassing gives notice of its presence. Following a decomposition, it is this gas that pollutes carpet and padding, wood, walls, paper, cotton clothing, anything "cellulosic."
It is said that the human stomach contains over ten trillion bacteria (10,000,000,000,000). These bacteria must off-gas or explode. Sometimes during human decomposition they do both. The strength of miasma becomes relative to the size, diet, temperature, and other conditions related to the deceased. By way of example, a large male's decomposition after many years of alcoholism and meat eating will create strong miasma when the deceased passes away during summer in Florida. A small female vegetarian's decomposition in front of an apartment window in Wyoming during November will cause much less miasma.
In a sense, bacteria germs belch and flatulate as they undergo changes in temperature and chemical composition. They are in a way like humans: they give and take from their environment, except that these micro-organisms exist within our internal environment. This is one major source of the death odor, the miasma odor released from the trillions of micro-organisms within our bodies as we decompose.
We can see that there is a difference between somehow ingesting or injecting odor causing bacteria and unperceivable viruses. In any case, ingest or inject the the wrong bacteria or viruses, and the results could be deadly. Inhale bacterias' off-gassed carbon dioxide and other gases (miasma) and the results are nauseating at worse.
Los Angeles
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Cleaning After Teen Suicides for the Super Rich
There was this teen suicide administered by three attorneys, no parents or guardians. Each attorney explained that he was an "attorney" and gave the clearest instructions for this operation. The first telephoned and did not discuss money. It and everything else would follow in its own way. He said that I already asked "too many questions" and that there were no more question coupons available for this job, if I chose to take it.
My mother always told me to "keep your mouth shut!" so I followed her wisdom into this operation. I followed the first attorney's orders without hesitation or equivocation once I understood that this was no ordinary client. Once on the scene, the second attorney escorted me from the driveway to the back door, onto the shiniest black marble floor -- EVER, and upstairs to the teen's room. "In there," he said and left.
The third attorney's directions ricocheted off the walls, floor and Tah-Mahal-like ceiling as I walked down the stairs. Once on the first floor, he approached me, raised his right hand as if to shake, and said, "Here." He handed me the biggest wad of five-hundred dollar bills that I have ever seen or will see again. Honestly, I had never seen a five-hundred dollar bill until that moment. "You were never here," he said.
Heaven knows that I love cash! The cash's significance testified to the fact that I was never really there, as I come to recollect. I swear that I was never there. Besides that, I could never remember how to get back there, if there really was a "there," once the address was deleted from my GPS. Talk about beautiful homes! This guy's front door probably weighted more than my first car, a 1967 VW. I left by the back door, by the way.
I know that these words taunt anyone sick enough to read my grubby, sadistic thoughts, but I need to get these things off of my chest from time-to-time. Heaven knows that I really do. I really am a caring and sensitive guy. Suicide is never humorous. Teen suicides are inexplicable. But I mean, gads! A tiny rich kid shoots himself in the head with his 22 caliber rifle because he had a bad day, Richard Cory-like:
"In “Richard Cory,” the focus is not on “why” the suicide did what he did; it is on the mystery itself. Certainly, the people who admired Cory because of all he possessed personally and financially did not expect such an act. To them he seemed to have everything worth living for, while they struggled to put food on the table."
A mystery hovers above the suicide itself, above the "why" he did it, sort of like a hot-link lighting up when a cursor hovers over it. There's an unfulfilled expectation embedded in the lit link, but it leads nowhere, no answer to the mystery of it all, beyond the "why" a rich guy commits suicide. Is it possible to have a mystery beyond the "why" of suicide? Cory had it all. Good looks, charm, wealth, white teeth, "a gentleman." The poem's narrator tells us that he had everything to live for and others little of the same.
Regressing, this kid's bedroom was almost as large as my living-room, dining room, and kitchen combined. It's not about "power and wealth" I used to say. (Now I'm honestly not sure what's going to come out of my mouth or finger-tips!) There's something wrong, but I guess it's part of the mystery of a rich kid's suicide.Then there's this last one, which I won't dwell on. I can say only that I am glad that I am child-free. I would not be able to handle a son or daughter's suicide. I'll never know how the parents felt about it because I never saw them. This operation wasn't quite as detached as the above because a "friend" filled-in as the responsible party.
Frankly, I would be embarrassed to live next to this guy; not embarrassed for me, but for him. How much of everything "just so" and "perfect" can a human being add to their life? This guy's home wasn't cluttered with books, computers, and cats like mine. No, it was basically sparse with a computer room housing the who-knows-what. "Clean" would be an understatement. Me, I could not even begin to pronounce the names on the cars in his garage, all parked upon a polished concrete floor.
Always I remember to say a little prayer for the deceased teens, whether or not they are rich or not so rich. I do not recall cleaning up after a poor kid's suicide, as a matter of fact. I don't recall cleaning after a gang homicide, which is a form of suicide. (More on this later.)
I do recall that I feel a special pity when cleaning after a teen suicide. It is June, by the way, and I have not cleaned any teen suicides this month. Two years running I cleaned after teens committed suicide because they failed to graduate with their peers. What is it that hurts so much; what is it that gnaws away at their insides, what is it that sends them to self-annihilation? So many, most people in the world, have so little to eke out life day to day no matter what tomorrow threatens. They go on, some with tumors bulging from their necks, arms, or face. Some exist with goiters, others without teeth, and many without corrected vision, and many without limbs. So many have perpetual pain.
In the USA, teen suicides seem to occur when the victim is too short on experience, too shallow with knowledge, and too naive to develop a mental schematic of the world beyond family, school, and church.
I will return to my Hume exercises soon. I think that returning to the academic approach to suicide is in good order after all these years of neglect. It seems that I need these exercises because cleaning suicide scenes and not really thinking about the mystery of it all is a bit shallow on my part, to say the least. I suppose that suicide is society's mystery of mysteries.
eddie evans
Eddie Evans on Hume's work about Suicide and the Soul -- It's all about working papers here.
I am thinking, off the thread here (a bit), that it is a great pity we will introduce future generations to bigotry in the form of racism and other evils that need not exist in an open society. How the world would improve overnight if we could end bigotry alone!
Back to Hume’s writing on suicide, Hume wrote five dissertations on suicide and the soul and completed them in 1755. Because of cultural and religious issues at the time, Hume withdrew the first book and replaced it with "Of the Standard of Taste."
Hume says that Philosophy exposes superstition and false religion, and that no other remedy against these two parasites exists. Even experience and good sense fail. Can you imagine that, experience and good sense fail against superstition and false religion?
By way of example, my experience tells me that it is wisest to avoid left turns, so I avoid left turns whenever possible. I will make four right turns to avoid one left turn. Is this superstition or good sense? Now, my honorable wife hangs left turns without the slightest hesitation. She refuses to mend her ways, and I cannot guarantee her well-being if she continues in this short-sighted madness. If I am superstitious because of my left-turn-phobia, is she less superstitious because of her willingness to flaunt disaster? I have the good sense, for sure.
Usually good sense and experience work great for just about everywhere else, but for superstition and false religion. Plan as we might, our history shows that among our greatest thinkers these two parasites manipulated the greatest thinkers' thoughts to the poorest ends. The satisfied, the “happy,” and the well-to-do find their greatest joys “blasted” by the shallow thoughts of superstition and false religion. Bring Philosophy to the helm as a cure to these parasites and a more just outcome is assured, unless the guiding Philosophy is itself so infected.
Methinks that if I could just explain the ways of God to man the parasites of superstition and false religions would collide with national and local cronyism, and thereby create a vortex like a black hole. These three enemies of an open society would exit our existence by their own foul essence.
Ed Evans
crime scene cleanup services
My working paper on Suicide and the Immortality of the Soul - Thank you David Hume
Hume wrote Five Dissertations on suicide and the soul and completed them 1755. Because of cultural and religious issues at the time, Hume withdrew the first book and replaced it with "Of the Standard of Taste."
Revisited by Ed Evans for posterity.
THESE two Essays on Suicide and the Immortality of the Soul, though not published in any edition of his works, are generally attributed to the late ingenious Mr. Hume.
The two very matterly Letters from the Eloisa of Rosseau on the subject of Suicide, have been much celebrated, and we hope will be considered as materially increasing the value of this curious collection.
Philosophy exposes superstition and false religion. No other remedy against these two parasites exists, more than likely. Even experience and good sense fail. Our history shows that among our greatest thinkers these parasites manipulated their thoughts to the poorest ends. The satisfied, the “happy,” and the well-to-do find their greatest joys “blasted” by these shallow thoughts, these parasites. Bring Philosophy to the helm as a cure to these parasites and a more just outcome is assured, unless the guiding Philosophy is itself infected by superstition and false religion.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Multinational Monitor Web Site
Mulinational Monitor
Life Inc.: How the World Became a Corporation and How to Take It Back
Decarte no; cognitive science yest.eddie evans
crime scene cleanup cronyism
Friday, June 19, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
From a right-wing propaganda email, I've taken this "straw-man."
In other words, the ultra-right, or maybe I should say the "fascists," create something from nothing, and then cry "foul!". This is basically what Joseph Goebles did for Adolph Hitler.
This is the irony of the matter. It is the "liberals" that will protect Limbaugh's freedom of speech because they know that an "insult to one is an insult to all." What's he talking about. He blasts "liberals" all these years for their liberalness and now he claims that someone wants to "shut him up." His listeners are so stupid that they don't understand the meaning of "liberal," which means toleration in matters of differences of opinion.
This is rediculous if not just vulgar propaganda. It was Georg Bush that tried to kill what's left of media diversity. I can remember Powell's son working overtime to destroy diversity in TV and radio. He could not get over the idea that one big, fat rich prick shoud own all media, one big corporation to rule them all!
Now Limbaugh is spouting dangerous hate-speak and it sounds like he's inviting some nut to assassinate Obama.
Rush on Tape: They Won't Silence Us
This past Saturday Rush Limbaugh won the 'Freedom of Speech Award' at the Talkers convention of talk radio hosts in New York. Newsmax was there -- and we have the video tape. Rush vows that Obama and the liberals in the media won't shut him up. He also warns about the new threat to free speech. See the Full Rush Video -- Go Here Now.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Khmer Rouge torturer recounts baby-killing policy
Khmer Rouge torturer recounts baby-killing policy
We watched it happen and did nothing. The entire world watched it happen and did nothing, except for Viet Nam. After fighting the Japanese, then the French, then the Americans, the Vietnamese entered Cambodia and took on the crazy Khmer Rouge.I listened to the radio and read about the doings and thought that I would not want to go. I think that I probably would have gone if asked and given the opportunity. I was young enough. It would have been hard to leave my family and civilian life, but I would have been to ashamed not to have gone. I had no excuse not to go at the time, other than my country ignored it. No one wanted another trip to Asia, that's for sure.
Still, to live as a human being in goodfaith, I would have had to go. I didn't and neither did my country. This is a very sore mark on our history and leaves me feeling guilty. It is too late now. I wonder how many times the world will watch this sort of genocide happen? How many more killing fields will we tolerate?
Where was Bush, Cheney, and Limbaugh?
Eddie Evans
crime scene cleanup
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Obamas Do Dinner, Broadway in NYC

Obamas' "date night" represents more than a casual night out.
The president serves as a mighty role model to millions of kids around the world. By treating his wife as an equal and keeping her at the top of his world, he shows young boys what a man must or should do.
Equally, young girls learn that a male friend or their husband has duties and obligations for keeping social bonds tight and healthy. In this way the two are showing Americans that family first is an important value, a value that has inherent crime fighting features, like spousal abuse, juvenile delinquency, and the rest.
Then there's the dinner at a sustainable restaurant. How much this means to perma-culture and local control over ecological destinies is beyond calculation. President Obama did more with this one gesture for agriculture's future than Bush did in his entire term.
Then there's the socially significant, historical play reviewing the place of African Americans in the US as they struggled with racism and their own family ups-and-downs. The symbolic power of these two African American's dating highlights the climb in social status from slavery to state-craft. This symbolism goes way beyond what I expected to see in my lifetime.
President Obama is not only talking the talk, but walking the walk when it comes to setting a good example for all the world to see. "Show it to the Taliban," I say!
Regressing to the Obamas' date night. Their critics need to keep in mind that by doing this foundational work, this fundamental social bonding, the Obama's are saving tax payers in the long run.
I don't agree with Obama's gifts to the rich, the ruling class, and I don't agree with more war in Afghanistan. The time for Afghanistan's war ended when Bush went to Iraq. Speaking of which, note how Iran became a big problem once Sadman was gone from Iraq's scene. Then of course, there's North Korea with its bombs. There was plenty more for Bush to do than to invade Iran's enemy. Afghanistan was for Bush to clean up, not Obama. "Get out of Afghanistan," I say.
"Well done," President Obama.
eddie evans
crime scene cleanup
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Bush's No Child Left Behind Crashes in Los Angeles
This figure would be higher if the 10,000 middle-school dropouts were factored in.
It looks like the schools are going the way of Bush's "ownership society," down.
It appears that the ruling class will continue receiving our tax dollars in the billions while factories are closed.
That's the way it is today after Bushism has proven itself as a true reflection of Reaganism.
eddie evans
crime scene cleanup
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
Now it's a toss-up between mom or me reaching the next Mothers Day.
I suppose many of us baby boomers are dealing with this same survival issue.
We're doing better than the planet, that's for sure.
Happy Mothers' Day Mother Earth!
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup
Homonyms - Fate and Faith (not quite alike)
Then there's the similar sounds that don't quite match, but still cause confusion, like "fate" and "faith."
I'll bet the bad guys like Bin Laden are thinking their lucky stars for Georg Bush's faith in God and blundering into Iraq. Their fate change dramatically, and now Obama must deal with it.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Family of Secrets
Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America by Russ Baker
eddie evans
crime scene cleanup
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Those pesky probes!
They also want to know how I will "do it," hoping to learn something, rather than spend $29 for a 3 year membership to crime scene cleanup school. I mean really Mr. and Ms. Probe, get a life!
Here's a job I did for $350. I always charge $350 out the door and it only goes up. It's the
Then there are those twelve-year olds who call simply to talk to a "real crime scene cleaner." They are cute, and I understand and appreciate them. But like the probes, they are a nuisance.
I left the public school system on purpose, and here it is following me!
eddie evans
crime scene cleanup
Apartment Management Companies Cleaning More Trauma?
Of course, if you are an employee cleaning up homicides on blood soaked mattresses for $8 an hour, you may want to change your working-class status real soon.
As it goes, more and more companies do not call back.
eddie evans
crime scene cleanup
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Are biowaste and biohazards different?

First, all biohazardous waste is biowaste. But not all biowaste is biohazardous.
I receive a lot of comments about poop and whether or not it is biohazardous. So for this topic, consider poop as a first example of biowaste. For my purposes, poop is not biohazardous unless it has been polluted by blood or blood products. Because our primary concern is blood-borne pathogens, disease carrying blood, we do not classify blood-less poop as a biohazard.
Just an aside here, human blood carries over six hundred known viruses. A simple flush of the toilet causes many of these viruses to become airborne. But we have immunities to these viruses developed over many generations.
I cannot at this time make such a claim about, say, pigeon poop. It is known to carry over sixty diseases. For whom, under what conditions, do these viruses become a health issue? Generally, pigeon poop is probably biowaste besides being a nuisance. For some people under the right conditions, pigeon poop is a biohazardous substance. So there is no simple answer for everyone when it comes to biowaste and biohazards.
There are exceptions. Consider anthrax as one airborne pathogen that is a known biohazard for just about everyone.
My concern remains bloodborne pathogens, though.
Hernia's, hemorrhoids, and anal sex create, in part, biohazardous poop because of damaged blood vessels in the anus. Once poop is contaminated by blood, it is biohazardous. Therefore, poop soiled by blood must be handled as highly infectious, as a biohazard. HIV and Hepatitis C are two pathogens carried by blood found in anal intercourse.
An aside here, it is not uncommon for schools and university custodians to remove poop from walls and floors on a daily basis. At this writing, I do not know of studies for the handling of this matter in education and other institutional settings. We must assume that custodians are taught as suggested above. That is, if poop has blood in it, remove and decontaminate soiled areas as if soiled by infectious blood, biohazardous blood.
It is likewise with urine if it is contaminated by blood; it is biohazardous; however, urine tends to have a high acidic content and creates a hostile environment for many micro-organisms. Just the same, if it is known that urine has blood in it, it is a biohazard.
As I mentioned in a prior post, just think of the nightmare that would be created if all feminine napkins, if all bandages were handled as biohazardous, rather than as biowaste?
Just think what would happen if we treated everything soiled by blood as biohazardous? If we could not remove, if we could not clean blood from property, we would live in a very awkward World!
Blood must be handled carefully. As seen in the above diagram, we consider all blood and blood by-products -- other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) as biohazardous. The only safe handling of blood requires creating distance from it; otherwise, sealing blood off so as not to contaminate property, persons, or environments must be carried out safely, quickly.
We need to keep biowaste separate from biohazardous material for practical reasons. Once we label something as "biohazardous," we have created special conditions, special handling requirements. For example, placing biowaste in a biohazard (red) bag means that the biowaste will not come out of the bag. Whatever goes into a red biohazard bag remains until buried or burnt. Although the bagged biowaste may have been safe to treat or dispose of otherwise, it has become a burden of some sort.
For example, what if all hospitals tossed their blood soiled bedding into biohazard bags? Can you imagine the costs? Can you imagine the additonal load on the biohazard stream of containment? Hospitals tend to wash blood from bedding at very high temperatures. There are times when bedding is so heavily soiled by blood that it must go into the biohazard stream. Before this occurrs, someone makes a critical decision: Can the bedding be restored?
What about blood soaked carpet, can it be restored? According to most professional cleaners and OSHA, blood soiled carpet cannot be decontaminated for the purpose of continued use. It must be cut out. The question then becomes, "Can it be pre-treated to a point at which it is biowaste rather than biohazardous waste?" This is a question for responsible parties to answer. Like baby-poop and soiled hospital bedding, placing all blood soiled carpet into the biohazard stream may or may not be economically feasible.
What we can say for certain is that less than a generation ago carpet cleaners "restored" blood soiled carpeting. This sounds icky at best, but a good carpet cleaner with some time and patience can do a remarkable cleaning job. What he/she cannot do is prove that the soiled carpeting is disinfected. Disinfecting carpeting would require soaking it in a high concentration of medium to high level disinfectants. Bleach, as an example of a medium, but corrosive, disinfectant can destroy a large number of micro-organisms as well as destroying their food source. Replacing carpet treated in this manner is not practicable, unfortunately.
Perhaps carpet and other materials can be pre-treated or properly sealed for containment and disposal as solid waste. Given the tools, chemicals, and time, many infectious substances can be neutralized for purposes of disposal. In any case, once pre-treated and sealed for disposal, once infectious materials should never go into dumpsters where anyone might come into contact with such.
A last comment to help clarify this issue of biowaste versus biohazards. Anthrax is biohazardous to humans. Under no conditions can it be handled as biowaste like lawn clippings.
I know that I have played fast and loose with the above terms. I will tighten up this usage as times passes, but for now, this is where I am at. I know that "biowaste" and "solid waste" are one in the same in many or most cases. More on this will follow because there are serious cleaning issues and ethical issues involved with these terms and what they represent.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Dead Cops and Nationalism
Starvation cultivates critical thinking in the right circumstances. For the revolutionary Chinese peasants, this meant that they broke with tradition going back 10,000 years to the agrarian revolution. From the fertile banks of the Euripides in today's Iraq to the village of Fanshine, labor created wealth. Labor generated profit created by turning soil and sun into surplus value. Food storage and its guardians were needed. History would not, probably could not, have had it otherwise. From the growth of the clan to the emergence of the nation state, surplus value needed to be guarded. I was impressed with Professor Lumpin's recounting of China's revolutionary changes through this micro-story of the nation state turning upside down. Starvation has a way of destroying the subordination of peasants to ideology.
On another day, another subject, I heard him say it, and I heard him say it again, and then again even later. "I hate cops." "Wow, what's this about?" I wondered. Lumpkin did not give much reason for this hate, other than that the cops had somehow mishandled him and others. I could see how someone without much education might make a blanket statement like this, but a sociology professor? What a generalization, and from what sort of stereotype does this hate arise?
I knew from my own teenage years that my rights had been violated by the police, rights that go to the heart of being an American citizen. I had been accused of a deed that I had not done, a deed that I was incapable of performing. Just the same, the cops walked right into my bedroom without invitation to my home, and ordered me to get dressed. This was foul I knew and I knew that they were wrong. In the following hour I could easily have become a "juvenile delinquent," but I did not. I could see from this experience, though, how people come to "hate cops" ("Constable on Patrol' as the British put it).
I did not lose my admiration for the professor, but I did discount his objectivity while continuing to trust his academic skills.
Now I'm thinking that societies have always needed "cops" since the agrarian revolution. How else could the ruling elite keep their surplus wheat, their surplus goods once extracted from the labor of the weaker, landless classes? Without cops, without some sort of repressive apparatus civilization as we know it would not exist. People do not share wealth as if they were Jesus Christ. That was the whole point of "Giving unto Caesar," keeping the peace between the haves and have nots. Granted, Roman soldiers were not cops, but their role was pretty much the same, to repress uprisings generated by the theft of surplus value from the fields. Fanshin's peasants were not repressed by soldiers; they were supresed by the dominant ideology. Either soldiers or ideology will do the job for the ruling elite. Social control is quite simple in this regard.
Moving fast-forward from the agrarian revolution to the Industrial Revolution, British cops in the 19th century spent their "graveyard" shifts rousting the poor and homeless from park benches, from alleys and porches. There were the surplus working poor, the "surplus army of labor" needed for union busting and wage control.
This surplus army of labor needed to be controlled. So it was understood that in London, no one sits at night. "Keep them moving" was the order to the British cops. For the poor and homeless, night time was hell. A sleepless period of moving about, zombie-like, followed the Sun's setting for both adults and children. I can see how the homeless working class and lumpen-proletariat came to "hate cops" in those days and nights. Some would say that at least the poor "were as free as the rich to sleep under bridges."
It is ironic, too, that the cops came from the same class of people that they were paid and directed to displace, keep moving, keep honest, control. In many cases as today, the cops then would have come from among the rousted, penniless, working class survivors of industrialism's unequal distribution of wealth. Police work provided a source of upward, social movement for an otherwise surplus worker.
Like London's "Bobbies," many of the police officers that are policing our streets have few or no real marketable skills. They would not, could not do well in the competitive sector, and for one reason or others, do not have those honed social skills necessary in the monopoly corporate world. Still, many police complete high school with high marks. They are generally bright. They enter the military where their education in obedience and iron-like discipline comes to serve them so well as public servants. Many learn to listen more closely then they did during their 12 years of regurgitating classroom stories.
Overall, I believe, as stereotypes go, and as my 62 years have lead me to believe, the typical cop is more savvy, and more sophisticated in the ways of the World then the average citizen. Also, by virtue of their socialization during 8 and more working hours each day, they learn and hone social skills that most of us cannot imagine. There is no way to measure or judge the many quips, queries, and ways of seeing humanity that a cop develops.
That "thin blue line" gives cops a background and fellowship most of us do not experience, but for church going. For the cops, the community of cops creates bonds only exceeded by the combat veterans of the World; for their hazards in the workplace, cops gain in solidarity what the most fervent revolutionary cherishes, a cooperative comradeship unmatched elsewhere.
Cops are not perfect by a far cry, and why should they be? After all, their ranks grow from society's public education system. There are drug dealing cops, crony cops, and worse (which is hard to imagine). But then, by far cops are generally the guy that I want living next door. The guy (gal too) that I look to for an even shake in business. As stereotypes go, I expect a fair shake from cops in their civilian World.
I want to keep on this thread, this death and dying among cops, especially after this weekends quadruple police officer homicide in Oakland, California. How could it come to this? How could one ex-con, parole violating dirt bag come to single-handedly kill four trained, experienced police sergeants? The newspaper that I read claimed that the first two officers were motor officers, and both were gunned down on a typical traffic stop. Motor officers are by their nature gung-hole; like paratroopers, they get their first prepared to take on their adversaries by surprise or not. They are meant to jump into the middle of the fight and win.
What happened?
Well, number one, a motorcycle does not provide much concealment, let alone cover. But I doubt if either were necessary in this stop. Two trained motor officers would have known to stand apart, to stand so as to cover one another's backs at all times, to keep their eye's on the subject's hands. They did not anticipate. They were complacent. They were not thinking critically -- What if?
Complacency kills cops just as it kills soldiers. Some times curiosity kills cops too, but when they are curious, their critical thinking skills are working. They get killed simply by virtue of police work's demands, especially when they are conscientious.
Also, it is when moving toward a disturbance that cops tend to have an elevation of that male hormone testosterone, a real focus orienting hormone. So when moving towards a threat, we expect, cops have their adrenaline up and their basic police skills up front. Their pupils become pinpoint circles, the blood in their bodies moves inward away from their skin's surface, and their fight-or-flight reflexes become way overwhelmed by the fight side of this physical equation. As helpful as this condition becomes in a fight, it hinders the mind's judgment because it narrows attention too much for a predator-like attitude.
So I know that cops get hurt while in-tune with their environment, and while out-of-tune with their environment. Just the same, the two dead cops at that traffic stop in Oakland somehow got away from their fundamentals of police patrol procedures. How else can we explain two dead police sergeants at a traffic stop, both killed with a handgun? It happens, sure.
Then, how do we explain the two dead SWAT officers responding to the apartment building in which the cop killer sought safety? Therein he armed himself with an assault rifle (God save the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution!) and, apparently, ambushed the SWAT team. He killed two and wounded one with a "graze" to the head. Who was this puke? Only Audie Murphy could claim such skill; Rambo and the Rifleman could pretend such, but and ex-con? There is something wrong with this story. Either the Faiths were working against civilization as we know it, or there is something amiss in the Oakland Police Department. But then again, I must consider that the puke would shoot anywhere and the police do not have this luxury. The police are accountable for every single round that exits their weapons. Place this requirement on soldier and our ours will be fought hand-to-hand or with cross-bows.
How would Professor Lumpin explain the doings in Oakland this weekend? Were these police officers acting as part of the "repressive apparatus" when they stopped this violating parolee? Or were they more like working class keepers of the peace trying to earn a middle-class income by risking their lives? The latter appeals to me, the former has its place in a general discussion of nationalism and the State.
So what happens to the police now that the US economy is broken, or if not broken, damaged? More people will have less, which is not such a bad thing if you are an environmentalist. But if you are a shopkeeper on Mainstreet, today's "downturn" means fewer sells, fewer employees, and overall, less growth and profit for all but the rich. Surplus value must still be protected, even when there are fewer places to extract it.
Physiologically, psychologically, and socially, police officers have a lot going on. Now the US economy conspires against them; the drug war conspires against them; the gun lobby conspires against them, and their work gets harder and more dangerous as a result.
I will continue this thread soon, I hope. My mind seeks to explain a few issues and writing helps my critical thinking by clarifying and distinguishing the World that I find myself in.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup
Monday, March 23, 2009
Suicide by shotgun
Here I'm cleaning another shotgun suicide. The victim wiped out his life by removing his head, two barrels to the throat -- big, ugly mess. What was he thinking? Did he think that those finding him have no feelings?
What about the cops? What about the para-medics and coroner's technicians, besides his family?
It seems that the American way of suicide for many men conspicuously points to the male's ego as a very large place; their minds are conspicuously narrow, shallow places.
Now the word is beginning to go around that the future of the US looks something like "Latvia if you want to see America's future." So what does this mean for my line of work. More work, more money, more horror stories and scenes. It's obvious to me that something is wrong with the American psyche.
Obama was on Sixty Minutes last night. i wonder how long he's going to remain in the public eye, considering that he's going to fail at most of what he attempts. There's no way around it. It's too much, and he's got so little time, so little to change history's onward movement. How will he handle his own mental health?
Obama has plenty of good support. The White House looks so holesome (swings in the yard, a garden, and the great great great grandchildren of the blacks that built it); he looks so under control and intelligent. Obama's intellect is so great and a great thing to hear and see. He'll hold up. His ego is the right ego at the time and place it's landed. The US could not have done better for the circumstances, any circumstances. He's more than ready, more than we should or could expect. I think the man is up to it all, even if I don't agree with him. Sorry Obama, you are not going to save capitalism from itself.
These suicide victims could save everyone a lot of trouble by making Obama their role model. I like the way that Obama referred to reading last night, over and over. I like the way that Obama referred to "so much information to digest." He's the "digester, the intellect." Before people commit suicide, they need to consider what they are leaving behind. They need to look to people that struggle with issues much larger than their own problems.
I'm just rambling again -- got up too early.
eddie evans
crime scene cleanup
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Economic Notes
Too big to fail.
Small business too small to succeed.
Banks and Wall Street too big to fail.
Financial sector given mucho money to lawmakers writing the laws.
Our representatives are responding to campaign contributors, not citizens, the represented.
Little guy - 1000:1 big guy
Monopoly capital moves problem out of picture.
Trash for cash.
Reviving main street by giving money to creditors is crazy.
They are giving money to financial parasite, capital, while Mainstreet withers.
Bailout plan outright thievery with complicity of congress.
Congress privatized by financial sector not industrial sector.
If corporations are worth twenty-two cents on the dollar, then so be it.
Corporate Capital: A free market is a disaster if it does not give money to the financial
Poor and middle-class are eating it.
Republicans will continue scenario with different populist slogans to gain popular support.
Neo-liberal plan to pull down Europe
Europe following the Russian path -- dressed rehearsal for what's coming to the US. Look at Latvia if you want to see America's future
Dr. Michale Hudson - Institute for the Study of Long Term Economic Trends
Eddie Evans
crime scene cleanup
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Veteran Suicides
Apparently the emotional toll of combat for the combat veterans is a heavy matter to deal with. And, apparently, the emotional toll for non-combat veterans dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder is very high.
I can see how the non-combatant veterans would be stressed out beyond all imagination. At least in Vietnam we did not have to worry about hitting mines (so much) when traveling. Sure there were mines, but not nearly on the scale that today's veterans have encountered - women as well as men. The injuries that today's veterans have suffered are horrendous, too, creating heretofore unknown survival from terrible wounds.
More to follow.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup
Friday, March 13, 2009
"Scientists Warn of 'Irreversible' Changes" -- The Misery of Miseries to Come
They're still saying stuff about the end of life as we know it because of the way we live our lives.
I used to worry a lot about this stuff, but I was younger then. I could stand in front of a crowd and rant about the changes to come.
In those days I did not bring up Global Warming much, though. I talked about that "mystery of mysteries," Mother Earth's many species and their habitats. I talked about the loss of a species being a great loss to all on Earth and all to come. I talked about the destruction of habitat as a terrible crime against humanity as well as a crime against nature.
We were sodomizing our planet for a few more dollars.
Now it is more acceptable to talk about sodomizing our planet and Global Warming. In the 1970s when I first read about Global Warming in Scientific American, I thought, "It makes sense to me." I thought that Scientific American was beginning to think the way that I had thought since I was a little boy.
I recall (again) my childhood theory on "The Limits to Cemetery Growth." I had my own version of the Malthusian prediction. It was exponential because more-and-more people would mean more and more people in that tiny cemetery on the corner of Foster Road and Lakewood Boulevard. This, to my four-year-old mind, was of monumental concern.
Now I don't care what the Mormons, Catholics, Marxista, and Octomom says about Malthus. Who cares if he was a "barking dog" for the ruling class? He was right! And then there was Marx's theories on surplus value and its pathological distribution, which owed much to Malthus' exponential population growth theory. Like it or not, Marx was right too when it comes to the nasty nature of capitalism and its consumption of nature, humanity, and ideas. The exponential growth of capital gave us exponential growth and destruction in heretofore proportions unknown to humanity; most of humanity is still in the dark when it comes to what's coming.
And then there was the Darwinian theory, which owed so much to Malthus's theory on exponential population growth (besides Charles Lyll's Uniformitarianism).
So both Marx and Darwin used their own versions of Malthus's theory of exponential growth, their own "Limits to Cemetery Growth."
Darwin's theories carry the most weight in terms of the future to come. It is Darwin that talked about life with or without humanity. The "mystery of mysteries" now becomes the misery of miseries for humanity. Now there is no turning back and Darwin's theories will no longer apply, in many parts, because climatic changes are occurring much faster then species can adapt.
We are looking at catastrophic changes for future generations, and multiple, catastrophic changes for generations to come, and multiple gashing of teeth, and multiple pestilences, and multiple miseries of miseries.
It boggles my mind to see young women and men persist in the procreation of our future environmental victims, multiple crime scene victims upon this planet. We are victimizing humanity because of our simple stupidity, our greed, and our lust for more. We are criminals and there is no way to cleanup our crime; yet, we continue to add victims to our ailing Mother Earth, a mother multiply sodomized by her wicked little human children (and that's all the credit Freud gets.)
I'm going to stop this whining and talk about solutions, real lasting solutions to problems that will persist for centuries. I will make these ideas available to President Obama, right here on my crime scene cleanup blog.
eddie evans
Crime Scene Cleanup
Monday, March 9, 2009
Learning, Internal Dialogue, and "Not Yet"
When the learner talks inside the head by using that "internal dialogue" that Allen Watts claims to run "interminably," then the learner needs to choose the right words. So negatives for the learner are not going to help. Positives for the learner will help.
I see when I am intensely involved with learning something "tough" for me, I need to agree with myself to come back to the task. I see that I need to ask myself, "Have you learned this yet" or "Are you going to be able to learn this stuff?" before stopping for the day. "Stopping," I see is preferable to "quitting" for the day, to regress.
I need to say to myself something like this: Have you learned what you need for the day on this project? "Not yet," I need to say to myself. This makes returning to the project at-hand much easier with a "can-do" attitude. It makes the forward-backward motion of the mind's learning more palatable.
It is just so with mathematics and other subjects. Math makes the "not yet" approach more apparent, more useful, and more easily measured -- of all things! When learning mathematics the learning pushes on into virgin territory. A keen focus must be kept if success is to prevail. I know that the learner is keenly focused on the math subject because without keen focus there is no learning in Math, other than "I can't learn this stuff when I'm not keenly focused."
My approach to learning the riveting type learning like math is to work into the unknown, conquering as I move forward. When I find that I can move no farther, when I've spent too much time on the problem, it is better to take a break, regroup until later. Then when I come back, I'm coming back from old territory that I have conquered. This way I have some solid learning ground to help my mind leverage itself into new ideas, new intellectual territory.
I see that learning should never be a negative, only a positive continuum. "Not yet" tells me that the learning will come with effort and persistence. Right knowledge is positive knowledge, not negative. (I will acknowledge the place of "negation" dialectial criticism, though, especially in literature.)
Eddie Evans
crime scene cleanup
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Wall Street Watch - A must have bookmark
Wall Street Watch - See what happened when Reagon's economics became standard operating procedure on Wall Street.
eddie evans
crime scene cleanup
Obama the Pragmatist
Here I've gone and lost my source for this article.
It's so exciting to have an articulate and engaged president after eight years of anti-intellectualism.
Obama's foreign policy is definitely enlightened. The English, the Russians, and now the Americans are KIA in the Afghanistan mountains. Obama wants to find a way out before the last of the US Empire's treasure is gone. He wants out to save young soldiers' lives.
I recall Vietnam with the Japanese, French, and then Americans. We don't need anymore of it.
Had Bush gone into Afghanistan with resolve instead of going into Iraq, we might have done something worthwhile. We could have given tens of thousands of dollars to every person in Afghanistan instead of dropping it in the form of bombs and bodies on Iraq.
Obama's pragmatic, not a fool like Bush.
eddie evans
crime scene cleanup
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Military Suicides
Last month, 20b active duty, US military committed suicide.
Last month, 400 US veterans committed suicide.
Eddie Evans
crime scene cleanup
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
What again? Antarctic glaciers melting faster than thought
Now is someone crying wolf or what? I heard that story about the little boy crying "wolf" once too many times. Now I'm beginning to wonder about this ice deal.
Then, there's that old "Mother Hubberd who lived in a shoe" to think about. I know for a fact there's more folks on this planet than mechanized agriculture can feed any time soon. And some of these folks are using Brave New World technology to bring eight kids at a time!
Well, after my writing on the word "environment," I decided to write on the nature of English, syntax, and meaning. Now it's the ice man melting that has my dander up!
I will get to my re-editing of the environment piece and then move on to the next piece, the nature of screwing up a good marketing campaign by one word.
Eddie Evans (not melting -- yet)
Crime Scene Cleanup