Friday, January 25, 2008
In Memory: Officer John Gaines
Tom Allen, age unknown, (October 24, 1915)
Officer Tom Allen, Austin's only African-American police officer since the death of John Gaines two years earlier, was shot and killed at Jennings' Drug Store in the 400 block of East 6th Street. The shooting followed an argument between Officer Allen and the editor of a black newspaper in San Antonio. Officer Allen was angered by reports that he had mistreated several African-American women he had arrested. After a confrontation with the editor by the wagon yard near Red River Street, Officer Allen followed the man to Jennings' drugstore. The editor, arriving first, drew a handgun from a briefcase he had left at the store and shot Officer Allen as he entered, his own gun drawn and ready. According to a newspaper story of the time, Officer Allen was killed only thirty feet from the site where Officer John Gaines had died two years earlier.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Drought could force nuke-plant shutdowns
What about your nukes now!
Old Mother Earth still knows how to protect her children from you and your mindless, Mr. Money Bags friends.
Global Warming will shut your nukes down.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Study: False statements preceded war

<<The study counted 935 false statements in the two-year period. It found that in speeches, briefings, interviews and other venues, Bush and administration officials stated unequivocally on at least 532 occasions that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction or was trying to produce or obtain them or had links to al-Qaida or both.>>
People will read this stuff and gloss over it. Bush should have been impeached years ago. It's hard for me to imagine an infantry soldier serving in Iraq. it's like Vietnam. How would you like to be the last American soldier to die in Iraq, especially knowing what we know now? At least the Gulf of Tonkin incident was one incident and not an on-going deal. I recall hearing John McCain saying there was no incident at the Gulf of Tonkin. He would know since he was the one of the Navy pilots sent to check it out, to change the subject briefly. Anything short of impeaching Bush is going to give the OK to future administrations that perpetuate lies and manipulation for the sake of their personal agendas. Whether or not Saddam was a bad guy is beside the point. (There are plenty of bad guys, like in the White House.) The Bush administration lied repeatedly and manufactured conditions for sending US troops into a big fat lie to die. Naturally, we did not need a study to point to the obvious.
Anyone with their head above ground would have known that the "pound cake" was a lie and had been a lie fabricated over a year before Bush used it in his speech. He knew what he was saying was a lie. I'm ashamed of so-called "General Powell" for his part in all of this. If he had his hand in combat during Vietnam, how can he escape hell fire and damnation now that he has proven his role in killing tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi's and wounding and killing US soldiers?
The entire administration should be taken out and placed against the White House in direct sunlight and made to answer critical questions from a critical public. Alas, it is too late. The stage is set for a willing public complicit in terrorism against women and children Worldwide.
It would seem that the lies about Iraq would be enough, but then we have this on-going game to displace public attention away from the real nature of Global Warming and the genuine threats to the US as well as Worldwide environmental balance, a genuine catastrophe beyond description.
Eddie Evans - Trying to help stop the crimes before they occur. Crime Scene Cleanup
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Bush is the Liberal.
Listen to crazy Rush and you would really believe that George W. Bush is a conservative.
It's not so.
Bush is a liberal!
Liberals are first and foremost the guys that want to use government to "tinker" with the economy. I mean that liberals want to "fine-tune" the economy as it breaks the back of the poor.
So let's hold those radio talkers and politicians to the real test of "liberalism," the willingness to manipulate the economy from the government's side.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleanup
Stocks Plummet Around the World
So we should not get too upset by the news this morning that stocks plummeted Worldwide.
What we do need to keep in mind and in our pinpoint focus, is that capitals' surge and burst, grow or die, unequal distribution occurred on a landscape of prestine waters and forests, on virgin habitat for hundreds of years. Now that its growth has lead to tight resource availability, more of capital goes to wars to ensure access to the stuff that is so important to its growth.
Forests are either gone or turned into tree farms Worldwide. Tree farms are not sustainable for the long haul, the 10,000 years plus haul. They will remain for many human generations, given the input of appropriate biologicals, but they will not produce that wide diversity of habitat and species our ancient forests provided.
Likewise with the ancient seed bearing habitats of the World, gone forever in most cases. Manipulation of the genetic code cannot replace nature's diversity. The boom and bust cycles of capitalism have sucked much of the life out of our planet.
I will have more to say to myself on these issues. I suspect that capitalism will become incredibly meaner with the onset of Global Warming in its apparent, early arrival.
I suspect that Hitler's doings will be small in comparison to what's coming. We've yet to see the nuclear powers flex their radioactivity in the defense of capitals' World hegemony.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaner
Monday, January 21, 2008
First and foremost, the Internet's for learning.
That's how it started, and today the savvy learner will know what the Internet represents, a mighty tool for the intellect and research.
The Internet started with intellectuals and scientists interested in sharing vast amounts of information quickly over long distances. They wanted to have a place to store information, too.
Naturally, the military had a hand in all of this too.
Today Mr. Money Bags has his hand in the Internet, obviously, and not always for the better. I agree and applaud the neat stuff available because of capital's infusion into the Internet. It's really neat to speed along and find so many things to buy and share.
Of course there's the downside, the ever-growing nuisance of advertising, which we are all inundated with from morning until night and even longer.
Getting to the gist of this subject, I just did a search on various commercial search engines, you know who they are, Yahoo!, Google, and those little guys too. Great as they are, they do not and cannot approach the mighty, glorious efforts found on Wikipedia. Do a search for "airports" on Wikipedia and you'll see what I mean.
The information compiled on Wikipedia receives the criticism that it is not "scholarly" like the large encyclopedias. Also, some people say that Wikipedia does not carry that heavy credibility earned by the large, commercial encyclopedias. I say, "not so." Wikipedia is current, peer-reviewed information and can be corrected in a moment. This is not so of the large, commercial encyclopedias. Do you remember how the large, commercial encyclopedias perpetuated ill-advised theories of race and racism? I do. I remember the less-than-knowledgeable anthropologists were given top ranking in commercial encyclopedias to espouse their nonsense.
Years following the correction of their problems with science and fact, these encyclopedias were still found on library and family shelves to mislead eager learners. This does not happen with Wikipedia. See Critical Race Theory, Beware Of Elites Bearing Racial Theories, The Evolution of Racism, THE GERMAN INVENTION OF RACE An Interdisciplinary Conference,
and my comments:
< This myth, story, began with the German anthropologist Bloomenbach in the late 18th century. ( See The Geometer of Race by Stephen Jay Gould, below). Mixed with various sorts of bigotry and fear of others, racism grew to monumental, institutional proportions. "Blumenbach provided the formula; the Dred Scott Court acknowledged it; Hitler perfected it." Nevertheless, we know through genetics and history that humanity has existed as one race for many thousands of years. We hope to combat the ignorance of racism with the articles and links below.>>
Wikipedia exemplifies the best of the Internet and the best in human dreams come true.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaners
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
A Boomerang Comes Back
Boomerangs are a technological marvel going way back beyond recorded history. How could anyone ever imagined such a piece of wonder, a tool designed to catch dinner and return when it failed to do so. I imagine that its first creator played at throwing various sticks, spears, and anything else that stood out in the brush. By serendipity and slowly working their way up the first such learn curve, the first boomerang creator discovered the unimaginable.
Or, is the boomerang's design was imagined out of necessity by a hunter-gatherer because chasing and losing spears is such a tax on time and energy? My idealist friends will enjoy this notion: Perhaps the first boomerang creator imagined that a curved object would return simply because it has a curve. Perhaps this pre-historic physicist intuited the boomerang's design. Perhaps some sort of sympathetic magic was at work in the creator's mind as he (I'm not sure that this creator was male.) molded theory into practice.
Getting back to the theft above, a spoiled American visitor perpetrated a crime against an Australian museum and technological history. He stole from one of the very first creators of a truly revolutionary design, a design used to this very day on swept wing aircraft as well as the "flying wing." I wonder how many visitors to that museum missed out on seeing this boomerang and were somehow less excited about technological innovations as a result? Well, at least the thief grew up and returned the boomerang, an object created for its return value, an irony for certain. Besides, the museum must have had other boomerangs to display.
Most of us do dumb things when we are young and many thieves are young. I figure that thieves that continue to steal in their senior years are still immature, at least in the industrialized countries. Overall, it is a good thing for cleaning up crime that none of us stay young for long.
I recall the thieves in Iraq looting and destroying museums when the US invited itself into that ancient part of the World, and they did not look so young. The artifacts stolen were not like the prehistory boomerang stolen as we read in the article from Reuters. No, the artifacts stolen from the people of Iraq and the future's memory were not designed to return; They will not return because in most cases they have been destroyed or lost. In those few cases that priceless stones and such make their way to the market, individuals will pass them down their family line, well beyond the reach of the public view.
That's the way it goes in the ironies of thievery, history, and technology.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaners
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
John Dewey and Social Testing
He would have, and probably did, cause others to create lesson plans around cotton to teach World and American History. He would have, and possibly did, cause others to have students analyze cotton's texture and its visual patterns under a microscope.
Dewey's approach left testing to the side, or should I think and say, "Dewey never stopped testing because he was testing his own philosophy of learning and practice incrementally." Testing is or should be an on-going activity inseparable from the learning process as well as indistinguishable from learning, in the most part.
In the social field we run into problems with testing. The latest on public schools and testing should be enough to prove this point.
Social testing is an ethical issue that goes beyond the classroom. Social testing gives the learner an opportunity to follow his or her choices, although the choices to be made are structured by rewards given at random and by schedules of positive reinforcement. The outcomes are still hard to predict because of the many variables present before testing, the many unknowns that the learner has processed in their own testing of others in their socialization process.
I have, I believe, been fortunate in my education, or at least my socialization; Perhaps I've been trained to be a little too sophisticated in some regards, less so in others. I've been fortunate in terms of knowing where I was going with my "social testing." I have not been surprised. Disappointed, yes, surprised, no. I suppose there's a little bit of Iago (Shakespeare) in all of us. The worse characteristics of human manipulation, that is. I hope not to duplicate these on my own part or the part of others. It unfortunate when I see Iago emerge in others at the end of my social testing of their character.
Kurt Vonnegutt I wish I could write like you!
So it goes.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaners
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Huckabee with the right ideas on the wrong side?
It depends on your politics.
- Huckabee supports the FairTax as a replacement for the current tax system.[153]
Bring the war home -
Who destroyed Iraq? Who plundered Iraq? Who stole from Iraq? Who humiliated Iraq? Who desecrated Iraq’s holy sites? Who damaged the honor of Iraqi women? It is none other than the … occupation.
The occupation is the first and last cause of the problem, it has overthrown the [former] regime without a plan, it has suppressed the state with no reason, it has led to the resistance and it has infiltrated it, it has brought al-Qaida to Iraq
Veteran suicides
According to one report quoting CBS, approximately 1,000 veteran suicides occur weekly in the USA.
Methodology: Telephone calls to all counties in the USA requesting data on this subject, which is not (apparently) available from the US Government sources. I would very much like to be corrected on the unavailability claim regarding veteran suicide data availability via the US Government. After all, Durkheim died 91 years ago. This should not be asking much from the government that placed a man on the moon!
The Bush administration, which is widely known, also, uses rose colored spectacles to describe its support for Veterans.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Re-visiting the traffic scene --
They really do risk their lives policing the crazies among us on the highway at the risk of their own lives almost constantly, daily. These people are by far a select and elite group. Granted, there have been times when a few diminished the glaring luster of the many, but their ranks are by far over-flowing with special concerns for people in general. I see it in their work, their methods, their personal risk taking. I feel sorry for those lost in the line of duty.
I am tired now. I needed to get this idea going and will return when I have more time. Frankly, I hate our most popular mode of transportation. I will say too that our highway system has too many potholes. I will say too that our highway system is so well engineered that it is the reason more people are not maned and killed daily.
I just feel good about what I see in our policing agencies on the highway and I feel good about our highway system in general.
Eddie Evans
Crime Scene Cleaners